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Pages modified on 2005-04
Last modified: 2006-09-30
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- Cumann Vexilleolaioch na hÉireann (CVE) 2005-04-29 phil nelson
- Tupamaros National Liberation Movement, Uruguay 2005-04-29 francisco gregoric
- @Klippans (Sweden) (Relocated page) 2005-04-29 phil nelson
- @Gothenburg (Sweden) (Relocated) 2005-04-29 phil nelson
- (Portuguese yachting flags) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Communes of Tomar Municipality (Portugal), obsolete) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Portugal - flags of use at sea; obsolete) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Portuguese political flags — obsolete!) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Olivença irredentists, Portugal - obsolete page) 2005-04-29 jorge candeias
- (Portuguese municipal flags - obsolete page) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Portugal - miscelaneous flags) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (House flags of Portuguese shipping companies) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Madeira, Portugal -- obsolete) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Santarém district, Portugal - obsolete page) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Portugal - district flags, obsolete pages) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Portuguese Colonial Companies -- obsolete) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Flags of portuguese colonial officials) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Flags of portuguese clubs - obsolete) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Portugal - colonial flags) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Commune flags, Portugal - obsolete page) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Portugal - 1830 historical flags; obsolete) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Christ Knightsʼ Order naval flags, Portugal -- obsolete) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Portuguese Municipal flags: obsolete) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Commune flags, Portugal - obsolete page) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- Portugal (1580-1640) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Portugal - Flag hoisted by the Adamastor (1910) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Flag of Guacaray + Otorgués (Uruguay and Argentina: ca. 1815): Obsolete page) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Flag of the Federal League, a.k.a. Artigaʼs flag (Eastern Bank of La Plata: Uruguay and northe 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Clickable map of French Polynesia: Obsolete page!) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Belgranoʼs historical flags (La Plata: northern Argentina, 1813-1815): Obsolete page) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Thirty-three Orientals flag (Uruguay: 18xx): Obsolete page) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Independentist flags in La Plata region (Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay: 1810-1840): Obsolete page 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Governmental and Military Flags of Peru: Obsolete page!) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (International Banner of Peace: Obsolete page!) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- de}Lifestream unity flag : Obsolete page!) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Lima, Peru: obsolete) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Pacifism: Obsolete page!) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Peace Sign Flag / Campaign for Nuclear Disarmment: Obsolete page!) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Bolivia within the Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation (1838-1839) (obsolete!) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (South Peru within the Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation (1838-1839) (obsolete!) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (North Peru within the Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation (1838-1839) (obsolete!) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation (1838-1839) (obsolete!) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- Games of the XXIX Olympiad: Beijing 2008 2005-04-29 juan manuel gabino villascán
- (Obsolete page! — Organization of African Unity (OAU) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (Obsolete page! — Organization of African Unity (OAU) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- (International Olympic Committee: Obsolete page!) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- Numansdorp (The Netherlands) 2005-04-29 jarig bakker
- Ouderkerk a/d IJssel (The Netherlands) 2005-04-29 jarig bakker
- Roggel en Neer (The Netherlands) 2005-04-29 jarig bakker
- Ouderkerk (The Netherlands) 2005-04-29 jarig bakker
- Horst a/d Maas (The Netherlands) 2005-04-29 jarig bakker
- Eygelshoven (The Netherlands) 2005-04-29 jarig bakker
- Wijchen (The Netherlands) 2005-04-29 jarig bakker
- Kerkrade (The Netherlands) 2005-04-29 jarig bakker
- Hulsberg (The Netherlands) 2005-04-29 jarig bakker
- Nuth (The Netherlands) 2005-04-29 jarig bakker
- Italy - Ladins 2005-04-29 dov gutterman
- (Querétaro state, Mexico: obsolete page!) 2005-04-29 antónio martins
- Vocin (Virovitica-Podravina, Croatia) 2005-04-29 dov gutterman
- Kalinovac (Koprivnica-Krizevci, Croatia) 2005-04-29 dov gutterman
- Crnac (Virovitica-Podravina, Croatia) 2005-04-29 dov gutterman
- Cacinci (Virovitica-Podravina, Croatia) 2005-04-29 dov gutterman
- Angers (Municipality, Maine-et-Loire, France) 2005-04-29 ivan sache
- Market-Town of Gars (Mühldorf County, Oberbayern District, Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Municipality of Niedertaufkirchen (Mühldorf County, Oberbayern District, Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Lahn-Dill County (Hesse, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Municipality of Zangberg (Mühldorf County, Oberbayern District, Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Market-Town of Oberstdorf (Oberallgäu County, Schwaben District, Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Municipality of Reichertsheim (Mühldorf County, Oberbayern District, Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- City of Kelsterbach (Hesse, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Main-Kinzig County (Hesse, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Municipality of Waldkraiburg (Mühldorf County, Oberbayern District, Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Municipality of Rattenkirchen (Mühldorf County, Oberbayern District, Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Waldeck-Frankenberg County (Hesse, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Municipality of Unterreit (Mühldorf County, Oberbayern District, Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Municipality of Mettenheim (Mühldorf County, Oberbayern District, Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Municipality of Egglkofen (Mühldorf County, Oberbayern District, Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Municipality of Schwindegg (Mühldorf County, Oberbayern District, Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Market-Town of Kraiburg a. Inn (Mühldorf County, Oberbayern District, Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Municipality of Schönberg (Mühldorf County, Oberbayern District, Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Oberallgäu County (Schwaben District, Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Counties (Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Schwaben District (Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Schwalm-Eder County (Hesse, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Mühldorf County (Oberbayern District, Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- County and Municipal Flags (Hesse, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Oberbayern District (Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-29 santiago dotor
- Kosíky (Czech Republic) 2005-04-29 jarig bakker
- Bujesily, Czech Republic 2005-04-29 jarig bakker
- Luninets District (Brest, Belarus) 2005-04-29 dov gutterman
- Manta (Cundinamarca, Colombia) 2005-04-29 dov gutterman
- Copacabana (Antioquia, Colombia) 2005-04-29 dov gutterman
- Cachipay (Cundinamarca, Colombia) 2005-04-29 dov gutterman
- Concordia (Antioquia, Colombia) 2005-04-29 dov gutterman
- San Antonio del Tequendama (Cundinamarca, Colombia) 2005-04-29 dov gutterman
- Saint-Georges-sur-Meuse (Municipality, Province of Liège, Belgium) 2005-04-29 ivan sache
- Seraing (Municipality, Province of Liège, Belgium) 2005-04-29 ivan sache
- Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) 2005-04-23 phil nelson
- Former FIAV Members 2005-04-23 phil nelson
- Uruguayan anarchist flags 2005-04-23 francisco gregoric
- Usulutan (Usulutan, El Salvador) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- San Francisco Gotera (Morazan, El Salvador) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Philippines: President and Vice President 2005-04-23 rob raeside
- Chatham Islands (New Zealand) 2005-04-23 jonathan dixon
- Origins of the New Zealand Flag (1898-1903) 2005-04-23 jonathan dixon
- Flag days - Norway 2005-04-23 phil nelson
- Historical flags of New Zealand - Index 2005-04-23 jonathan dixon
- Midden-Delfland (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Liemeer (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Cromstrijen (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Royal Netherlands Military Police (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Zaanstad (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Yerseke (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Zaandijk (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Heel en Panheel (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Nieuwveen (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Heel (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Haelen (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Zevenhoven (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Hoogezand-Sappemeer (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Groningen Province (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Scheemda (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Druten (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Reiderland (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Horssen (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Yachting clubs (The Netherlands) [l] 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Royal Netherlands Army (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Yachting clubs (The Netherlands) [j] 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Yachting clubs (The Netherlands) [h] 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Royal Netherlands Naval College (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Yachting clubs (The Netherlands) [b] 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Yachting clubs (The Netherlands) [t] 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Yachting clubs (The Netherlands) [n] 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Yachting clubs (The Netherlands) [m] 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Yachting clubs (The Netherlands) [g] 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Yachting clubs (The Netherlands) [c] 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Motorboat Club (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Yachting clubs (The Netherlands) [a] 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- BRU, Bruinisse (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Nautilus rowing club (The Netherlands) 2005-04-23 jarig bakker
- Nicaragua - Historical Flags 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Mexico - Filibustering: William Walker 2005-04-23 juan manuel gabino villascán
- Mexico - Imaginary States: Republic of Sonora 2005-04-23 juan manuel gabino villascán
- Sonora, Mexico 2005-04-23 juan manuel gabino villascán
- Unidentified Japanese flag (circa 1945) 2005-04-23 phil nelson
- Neonazi flags in Japan 2005-04-23 phil nelson
- UIL - Italian Workers Union 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Italy - Trade Unions Flags - PART II 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Zdenci (Virovitica-Podravina, Croatia) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Sopje (Virovitica-Podravina, Croatia) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Orahovica (Virovitica-Podravina, Croatia) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Spisic Bukovica (Virovitica-Podravina, Croatia) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Pitomaca (Virovitica-Podravina, Croatia) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Croatia - Historical Flags (1848-1918) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Lukac (Virovitica-Podravina, Croatia) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Georgia: Coat of arms 2005-04-23 ivan sache
- Croatia - Other Proposals and Unofficial Variations 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- County of Nice (Traditional province, France) 2005-04-23 ivan sache
- Essonne (Department, France): Yacht clubs 2005-04-23 ivan sache
- Granville (Municipality, Manche, France) 2005-04-23 ivan sache
- Alsatian People's Union (Political movement, Alsace, France) 2005-04-23 ivan sache
- Collonges-les-Premières (Municipality, Côte-d'Or, France) 2005-04-23 ivan sache
- Alpes-Maritimes (Department, France) 2005-04-23 ivan sache
- Vélizy-Villacoublay (Municipality, Yvelines, France) 2005-04-23 ivan sache
- Menton (Municipality, Alpes-Maritimes, France) 2005-04-23 ivan sache
- Aude (Department, France): Yacht clubs 2005-04-23 ivan sache
- La Chapelle-sur-Erdre (Municipality, Loire-Atlantique, France) 2005-04-23 ivan sache
- Danish political flags 2005-04-23 rob raeside
- Danish Freemasons flag 2005-04-23 rob raeside
- Buritica (Antioquia, Colombia) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Caldas (Antioquia, Colombia) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Anori (Antioquia, Colombia) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Carepa (Antioquia, Colombia) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Caicedo (Antioquia, Colombia) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Caramanta (Antioquia, Colombia) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Caceres (Antioquia, Colombia) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Andes (Antioquia, Colombia) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Caracoli (Antioquia, Colombia) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Betulia (Antioquia, Colombia) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Caucasia (Antioquia, Colombia) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Bello (Antioquia, Colombia) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Flags on Hulun Buir banknote (China) 2005-04-23 phil nelson
- Whitby, Ontario 2005-04-23 phil nelson
- Toronto, Ontario 2005-04-23 phil nelson
- North China 2005-04-23 phil nelson
- Dieppe, New Brunswick 2005-04-23 phil nelson
- Belarus - Subdivisions and Minorities Flags 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Mikashevici (Brest, Belarus) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Luninets (Brest, Belarus) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Belgium: Ministers and diplomats 2005-04-23 ivan sache
- Teslic (Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina) 2005-04-23 dov gutterman
- Governor-General - Australia 2005-04-23 jonathan dixon
- (Association of Mars Explorers (Australia) — Obsolete Page) 2005-04-23 jonathan dixon
- Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association 2005-04-23 jonathan dixon
- Australasian Olympic Flag 2005-04-23 jonathan dixon
- Bondi Beach Surf Club (Australia) 2005-04-23 jonathan dixon
- Partioheraldikot r.y. (PH) 2005-04-16 phil nelson
- Vexillology 2005-04-16 phil nelson
- Vexillological Association of the State of Texas (VAST) 2005-04-16 phil nelson
- Frostbite Flag Society 2005-04-16 phil nelson
- Tennessee Institute for Flag Studies 2005-04-16 phil nelson
- Kingdom of EnenKio 2005-04-16 phil nelson
- Republic of Howland, Baker and Jarvis 2005-04-16 phil nelson
- Kalush (Ivano-Frankivs'k, Ukraine) 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- Trinidad and Tobago - Colonial and Pre-republican Flags 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- Lubny (Poltava, Ukraine) 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- Kolomiya (Ivano-Frankivs'k, Ukraine) 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- Turks and Caicos - Historical Flags 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- Kremenets' (Ternopil', Ukraine) 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- Drogobych (Lviv, Ukraine) 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- Sirjansland (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Geldrop-Mierlo (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Mierlo (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- West Maas en Waal (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Wymbritseradiel (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Dreumel (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Wûnseradiel (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Hemelumer Oldeferd (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Zurich (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Tsjerkwerd (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Wuns (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Skettens (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Penjum (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Hieslum (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Wytmarsum (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Skraard (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Burchwert (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Gaast (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Piaam (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Hartwert (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Skuzum (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Koarnwertersân (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Makkum (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Lollum (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Exmorra (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Longerhou (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Koarnwert (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Hichtum (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Ferwoude (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Dedgum (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Kimswert (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Parrega (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Oudega (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Oudega (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Allingawier (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Arum (The Netherlands) 2005-04-16 jarig bakker
- Nicaragua - Political Flags 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- (Spanish Morocco: obsolete page!) 2005-04-16 antónio martins
- (Durango (Mexico): obsolete page) 2005-04-16 antónio martins
- Saint Lucia - Colonial Flags 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- City and county flags, Kyongsangbuk-do (split page) 2005-04-16 phil nelson
- @City and County Flags: Kyongsangnam-do (split page) 2005-04-16 phil nelson
- @City and county flags of Kangwon-Do (split page) 2005-04-16 phil nelson
- @Districts of Inchon (split page) 2005-04-16 phil nelson
- Independent Communications Batallion (Japan) 2005-04-16 phil nelson
- Trieste (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy) 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- (House flags of japanese shipping companies: Obsolete page!) 2005-04-16 antónio martins
- CGIL - Italian General Confederation of Labour - Federations Flags 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- CGIL - Italian General Confederation of Labour - Italian Textile Industry and Similar Workers Fed. 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- Bolzano Province (Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy) 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- CGIL - Italian General Confederation of Labour 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- Italy - Naval Flags 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- Merano (Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy) 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- (Lega Ambiente, Italy: Obsolete page!) 2005-04-16 antónio martins
- Croatia - Minorities Flags 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- Koprivnica-Krizevci County (Croatia) 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- Mace (Krapina-Zagorje, Croatia) 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- Guyana - Historical Flags - Part 1 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- (The Socialist Rose, obsolete) 2005-04-16 antónio martins
- Cauca Department (Colombia) 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- Timbio (Cauca, Colombia) 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- Bahamas - Colonial Flags and Badges 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- Sarajevo (Sarajevo Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina) 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- Antigua and Barbuda - Colonial Flags (1956-1967) 2005-04-16 dov gutterman
- Republic of Samoa 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Navassa Island (U.S. Minor Outlying Islands) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Palmyra Atoll (U.S. Minor Outlying Islands) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Bolivar (Barinas, Venezuela) 2005-04-09 dov gutterman
- Midway Islands (U.S. Minor Outlying Islands) 2005-04-09 sam lockton
- Jarvis Island (U.S. Minor Outlying Islands) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Kingman Reef (U.S. Minor Outlying Islands) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Johnston Atoll (U.S. Minor Outlying Islands) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Baker Island (U.S. Minor Outlying Islands) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Howland Island (U.S. Minor Outlying Islands) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Zhovka (Lviv, Ukraine) 2005-04-09 dov gutterman
- Zhuravno (Lviv, Ukraine) 2005-04-09 dov gutterman
- Historical Flags (Palestine) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Anguar, Palau 2005-04-09 rob raeside
- Kayangel, Palau 2005-04-09 rob raeside
- Ngardmau, Palau 2005-04-09 rob raeside
- Ngatpang, Palau 2005-04-09 rob raeside
- Ngchesar, Palau 2005-04-09 rob raeside
- Meleleok, Palau 2005-04-09 rob raeside
- Sonsorol, Palau 2005-04-09 rob raeside
- Ngeremlengui, Palau 2005-04-09 rob raeside
- Ngarchelong, Palau 2005-04-09 rob raeside
- Koror, Palau 2005-04-09 rob raeside
- Airai, Palau 2005-04-09 rob raeside
- Hatohobei , Palau 2005-04-09 rob raeside
- Aimelik, Palau 2005-04-09 rob raeside
- Peleliu, Palau 2005-04-09 rob raeside
- Puerto Rico - Rainbow Flag 2005-04-09 dov gutterman
- Sultanate of Muscat and Oman until 1970 (Oman) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Obdam (The Netherlands) 2005-04-09 jarig bakker
- Schipluiden (The Netherlands) 2005-04-09 jarig bakker
- Nieuwegein (The Netherlands) 2005-04-09 jarig bakker
- Maasland (The Netherlands) 2005-04-09 jarig bakker
- Horn (The Netherlands) 2005-04-09 jarig bakker
- Eindhoven (The Netherlands) 2005-04-09 jarig bakker
- Geldermalsen (The Netherlands) 2005-04-09 jarig bakker
- Alphen-Chaam (The Netherlands) 2005-04-09 jarig bakker
- Nunspeet (The Netherlands) 2005-04-09 jarig bakker
- Elburg (The Netherlands) 2005-04-09 jarig bakker
- Oosterbierum (The Netherlands) 2005-04-09 jarig bakker
- Beesd (The Netherlands) 2005-04-09 jarig bakker
- Military colours (The Netherlands) 2005-04-09 jarig bakker
- Unofficial Civil Ensign c.1898-1943, probably never existed (Malta) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Historical Flags (Malta) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- State Ensign 1943-1964 (Malta) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Brigadier Commanding the British Troops (Malta) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- State Ensign 1923-1943 (Malta) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Order of Saint Stephen (Tuscany, Italy) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Jack (Malta) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Governor-General's Flag 1964-1974 (Malta) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Governor's Flag 1943-1964 (Malta) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Unofficial Civil Flag until 1943 (Malta) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- State Ensign 1875-c.1898 (Malta) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Village of Gudja (Malta) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- State Ensign c.1898-1923 (Malta) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Governor's Flag c.1898-1943 (Malta) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Queen Elizabeth II's Personal Flag for Malta 1967-1974 (Malta) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Governor's Flag 1875-c.1898 (Malta) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Ensign 19th Century (Malta) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- The George Cross (Malta) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Minister of Defense (Japan) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Daimyo flags, 15th - 17th century (Japan) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Daimyo flags - Owari (Japan) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Independence movements and aspirant peoples (Japan) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Korean Community in Japan 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Daimo flags - Iki (Japan) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- @Korean Community in Japan (Osbolete page) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Daimyo flags - Buzen (Japan) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Daimyo flags - Bungo (Japan) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- War Ensign (Jordan) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Japanese Ground Self Defense Forces: Artillery 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Japanese Ground Self Defense Forces: Transportation 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- CGIL - Italian General Confederation of Labour - Italian Transport Workers Federation 2005-04-09 dov gutterman
- CGIL - Italian General Confederation of Labour - Metallurgical Employees and Workers Federation 2005-04-09 dov gutterman
- CISL - Confederation of Italian Workers' Trade Unions 2005-04-09 dov gutterman
- French Guiana (France, Overseas Department and Region) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Maine-et-Loire (Department, France): Yacht clubs 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Maine-et-Loire (Department, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Morbihan (Department, France): Yacht clubs 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Saint-Cloud (Municipality, Hauts-de-Seine, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Paris (Department and Municipality, France): Yacht clubs and rowing clubs 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Hauts-de-Seine (Department, France): Yacht clubs 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Val-de-Marne (Department, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Le Havre (Municipality, Seine-Maritime, France): Yacht clubs 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Val-de-Marne (Department, France): Yacht clubs 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Dunkirk (Municipality, Nord, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Hyères (Municipality, Var, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Pyrénées-Orientales (Department, France): Yacht clubs 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Var (Department, France): Yacht clubs 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Arcachon (Municipality, Gironde, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Brest (Municipality, Finistère, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Calvados (Department, France): Yacht clubs 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- La Rochelle (Municipality, Charente-Maritime, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Saint-Quay-Portrieux (Municipality, Côtes-d'Armor, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Charente-Maritime (Department, France): Yacht clubs 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Saint-Malo (Municipality, Ille-et-Vilaine, France): Historical flags 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Finistère (Department, France): Yacht clubs 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Gironde (Department, France): Yacht clubs 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Loire-Atlantique (Department, France): Yacht clubs 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Société Les Affrêteurs Réunis (Shipping company, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Compagnie Havraise Péninsulaire de Navigation (Shipping company, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Société Anonyme des Armateurs Nantais (Shipping company, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Yacht Club de France 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- France: Name pennants 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Postel & Fils (Shipping company, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Compagnie des Vapeurs de Charge Français (Shipping company, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Pastré Frères (Shipping company, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Compagnie de Navigation d'Orbigny (Shipping company, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Antibes-Juan-les-Pins (Municipality, Alpes-Maritimes, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Alpes-Maritimes (Department, France): Yacht clubs 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Daher (Shipping company, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Tavastia (Finland) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Finland Proper (Finland) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Chargeurs Réunis (Shipping company, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Altaras, Caune & Cie (Shipping company, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Chevillotte Frères (Shipping company, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Compagnie Française de l'Afrique Occidentale (Shipping company, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Armement Nord-Africain Cherfils (Shipping company, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Compagnie Havraise de Navigation (Shipping company, France) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- France: Ultra-right movements 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- France: Modern monarchist flags 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- Town of Noáin (Navarre, Spain) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Finland - Flag Law 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Savonia (Finland) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Ostrobothnia (Finland) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Satakunta (Finland) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Karelia (Finland) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Flag Days of December 2005-04-09 peter hans van den muijzenberg
- (Esperanto flag (obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Greenpeace: Obsolete page!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Environmentalism: Obsolete page!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- Municipality of Maitenbeth (Mühldorf County, Oberbayern District, Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Municipality of Erharting (Mühldorf County, Oberbayern District, Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Municipality of Lohkirchen (Mühldorf County, Oberbayern District, Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald County (Freiburg District, Baden-Württemberg, Germany) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Garmisch-Partenkirchen County (Oberbayern District, Bavaria, Germany) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Municipality of Hinterzarten (Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald County, Freiburg District, Baden-Württem 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Standard of the Leader and National Chancellor 1935-1945 (Third Reich, Germany) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- City of Heidelberg (Baden-Württemberg, Germany) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Jena Students League 1816 (Germany) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Flag of a Field Marshal as Chief of the High Command of the Armed Forces 1941-1945 (Germany) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Flag of the War Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces 1935-1938 (Germany) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Flag of the War Minister 23rd June-5th October 1935 (Germany) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Command Flag for Armed Forces Commanders c.1940-1945 (Germany) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Flag of the Defense Minister 1933-1935 (Germany) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Students' Associations (Germany) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- German-Occupied Territories 1939-1945 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Flag of the Chief of the High Command of the Armed Forces 1938-1941 (Germany) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Olympic Flags (Germany) 2005-04-09 santiago dotor
- Lourdes (Norte de Santander, Colombia) 2005-04-09 dov gutterman
- (Northern Cyprus, obsolete) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Cape Verde flag of 1975-1992: Obsolete page) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- Uighuristan (East Turkestan) 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Aipe (Huila, Colombia) 2005-04-09 dov gutterman
- Huila Department (Colombia) 2005-04-09 dov gutterman
- Acevedo (Huila, Colombia) 2005-04-09 dov gutterman
- Cota (Cundinamarca, Colombia) 2005-04-09 dov gutterman
- Anapoima (Cundinamarca, Colombia) 2005-04-09 dov gutterman
- (La Guajira, Colombia: obsolete) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- Laws on the Chinese flag and emblem 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Inner Mongolian People's Party 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- Design of the current Chinese flag 2005-04-09 phil nelson
- (Chilean presidential flag: Obsolete page!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Mapuche people, Chile and Argentina: Obsolete page!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Chilean Army rank flags, obsolete) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Civil Defense: Obsolete page!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Clickable map of Hochdorf district (Luzern Canton, Switzerland) obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Clickable map of Waldendurg district (Basel Land half Canton, Switzerland) obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [zja] to [zzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [waa] to [wzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [qaa] to [qzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [saa] to [szz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [soa] to [szz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [vaa] to [vzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [saa] to [snz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [taa] to [tzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [prk] to [pzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [raa] to [rzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [uaa] to [uzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [maa] to [mzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [pia] to [pzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [laa] to [lzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [naa] to [nzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [kaa] to [kzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [haa] to [hzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- Bibliography (codes [hee] to [hiz]) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [paa] to [pzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [paa] to [phz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [oaa] to [ozz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [iaa] to [izz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [jaa] to [jzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [ped] to [phz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [eaa] to [ezz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [baa] to [bzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [caa] to [czz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [caa] to [cqz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [faa] to [fzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [cra] to [czz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [gaa] to [gzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [daa] to [dzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- Gesves (Municipality, Province of Namur, Belgium) 2005-04-09 ivan sache
- (Bibliography (codes [aaa] to [zzz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- (Bibliography (codes [aaa] to [azz]), obsolete!) 2005-04-09 antónio martins
- South Africa - national index 2005-04-08 bruce berry
- Provisional Viet-Nam Republic Government 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Hydrographic Ship Flags 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Democratic Progressive Party 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Three crowns of Sweden 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- @Shipping Companies' House Flags (Sweden), G-N 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Flags of political parties: Nazi (Sweden) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- @Shipping Companies' House Flags (Sweden), A-F 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Båtsfjord, Finmark 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Bomlo, Hordaland 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Loppa, Finmark 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Hammerfest, Finmark 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Vadso, Finmark 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Norway - naval jack 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Hoek van Holland (The Netherlands) 2005-04-02 jarig bakker
- Echt-Susteren (The Netherlands) 2005-04-02 jarig bakker
- Twenterand (Netherlands) 2005-04-02 jarig bakker
- @Obsolete page 2005-04-02 juan manuel gabino villascán
- Mexico - Mexica Movement 2005-04-02 juan manuel gabino villascán
- Mexico - Frente Zapatista de Liberción Nacional 2005-04-02 juan manuel gabino villascán
- Mexico - Ejército Zapatista de Liberción Nacional 2005-04-02 juan manuel gabino villascán
- @Obsolete page 2005-04-02 juan manuel gabino villascán
- Mexico - Nazi and Neonazi movements: Creole Pride 2005-04-02 juan manuel gabino villascán
- Mexico - Partido Acción Nacional 2005-04-02 juan manuel gabino villascán
- Mexico - Partido Verde Ecologista de México 2005-04-02 juan manuel gabino villascán
- Mexico - Ejército Popular Revolucionario 2005-04-02 juan manuel gabino villascán
- Japanese Postal Flags 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Prime Minister (Japan) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Japanese Merchant Ensign (1800s) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- National Safety Agency (Japan): Brigade command flags (1) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- USI - Union of Italian Trade Unions 2005-04-02 dov gutterman
- CGIL - Italian General Confederation of Labour - Italian Pensioner Trade Union 2005-04-02 dov gutterman
- Limerick, Ireland 2005-04-02 rob raeside
- Laois, Ireland 2005-04-02 rob raeside
- France: Fifth Republic (1959-) - Presidential standards 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- Faucigny (Traditional province, Savoy, France) 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- Thônes (Municipality, Haute-Savoie, France) 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- @Free French Forces (1940-1944) 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- France: Fifth Republic (1959-) 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- Haute-Vienne (Department, France): Yacht clubs and rowing clubs 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- Haute-Vienne (Department, France) 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- Charente (Department, France) 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- Charente (Department, France): Yacht clubs and rowing clubs 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- Côtes-d'Armor (Department, France): Yacht clubs and rowing clubs 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- Free French Naval Forces (1940-1944) 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- France: Third Republic (1870-1940) - Presidential standards 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- Haute-Marne (Department, France) 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises (Municipality, Haute-Marne, France) 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- Rhône (Department, France): Yacht clubs and rowing clubs 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- Haute-Savoie (Department, France): Yacht clubs and rowing clubs 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- France: Rowing clubs 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- France: Registration flags for merchant ships (1817-1929) 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- @France: Registration flags for merchant ships (1814-1929) 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- Postal Ensign Proposal (pre-1928) [China] 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Finnish Coast Guard 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Free France (1940-1944) 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- France: Historical chronology since 1792 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- Free French Forces (1940-1944) 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- France: Anti-German Resistance(1940-1944) 2005-04-02 ivan sache
- Pilot Flag (China) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Other 20th Century China flags 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- National Democratic Party of Tibet 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Yang Tseu Fleet (China) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- China - Anti-Japanese Army 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Chinese Soviet Republic 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Early Chinese flags 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Guangdong Communists (China) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Hainan (China) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Administrator of Liu Kung Tau 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- China Republic Rear Admiral flag 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Miscellaneous Flags (Republic of China, 1920s) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- @Manchuria (China) Rank flags (deprecated) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- @Manchuria (China) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Pre-Republic Rank Flags (1912) [China] 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- @Japanese Invasion of China (Deprecated) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- @Japanese controlled transport companies (China) (deprecated) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- @Nanjing Puppet State (Deprecated) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Manchukuo Rank flags 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Chinese Flag Variants (unofficial) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Dragon Racing flags 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Far East Jewish Conference (China) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Chinese Army Flag used in Propaganda Leaflets 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Flags of the Chinese Communist Party 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Japanese Resistence University (China) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Sun Yat-Sen University (China) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Franco-Yukonnais (Yukon Territory, Canada) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Franco-Ténois (Northwest Territories, Canada) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Fransaskois (Saskatchewan, Canada) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Franco-Columbiens (British Columbia, Canada) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- Franco-Albertains (Alberta, Canada) 2005-04-02 phil nelson
- City of Wagga Wagga (NSW, Australia) 2005-04-02 jonathan dixon
- New South Wales Ensign/Federation Flag 2005-04-02 jonathan dixon
- Centenary Flag (Australia) 2005-04-02 jonathan dixon
- History of the Australian national flag (Part 2) 2005-04-02 jonathan dixon
- Naval Colours (Australia) 2005-04-02 jonathan dixon
- Subdivisions of Tierra del Fuego province (Argentina) 2005-04-02 antónio martins
- Subdivisions of Río Negro province (Argentina) 2005-04-02 antónio martins
- Subdivisions of Chubut province (Argentina) 2005-04-02 antónio martins
- Estudiantes de la Plata club (Argentina) 2005-04-02 antónio martins
- Ginástica y Esgrima de La Plata club (Argentina) 2005-04-02 antónio martins
- Argentine National Emblems 2005-04-02 antónio martins
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