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Pages modified on 2006-04
Last modified: 2006-09-30
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- Pretoria (South Africa) 2006-04-29 bruce berry
- Franschhoek (South Africa) 2006-04-29 bruce berry
- South Africa Naval Flags 2006-04-29 bruce berry
- Transkei (South African homeland) 2006-04-29 bruce berry
- High Commissioner for South Africa 2006-04-29 bruce berry
- Endumeni (South Africa) 2006-04-29 bruce berry
- Lebowa (South African homeland) 2006-04-29 bruce berry
- Watson's Holyhead to Liverpool Numeric Flags 2006-04-29 phil nelson
- @Glossary of Flag Terms 2006-04-29 phil nelson
- Vexilloids 2006-04-29 phil nelson
- International Code of Signals (Overview) 2006-04-29 phil nelson
- @Vexillological terminology 2006-04-29 phil nelson
- South Africa 2006-04-29 bruce berry
- Marryat Signal Flags 2006-04-29 phil nelson
- Minor signal flag system proposals 2006-04-29 phil nelson
- International Code of Signals (N-Z) 2006-04-29 phil nelson
- International Code of Signals (A-M) 2006-04-29 phil nelson
- Numbered Regimental Flags 2006-04-29 phil nelson
- Flag Families 2006-04-29 phil nelson
- Popham's Signal flags 2006-04-29 phil nelson
- Etymology of Vexillological terminology 2006-04-29 phil nelson
- International Code of Signals (Numeric) 2006-04-29 phil nelson
- Elford's telegraphic flags 2006-04-29 phil nelson
- Flags at Heraldic Funerals 2006-04-29 phil nelson
- Candidate Terminology (Vexillology) 2006-04-29 phil nelson
- Vexillological Mailing Lists 2006-04-29 phil nelson
- Participating in Flag Committees 2006-04-29 phil nelson
- House flags of Vicentine shipping companies 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Chad 2006-04-29 zeljko heimer
- Transcaucasia in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Volga German ASSR (Soviet Union, 1918-1941) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Clickable map of El Salvador 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Tuva in the Soviet Union, 1944-1992 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Karakalpakia in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Jewish Autonomous Region in the Soviet Union, 1934-1992 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Tajikistan in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Tajikistan in the Soviet Union (early flags) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- North Ossetia in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Udmurtia in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Uzbekistan in the Soviet Union (early flags) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Uzbekistan in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Ukraine in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Turkmenistan in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Ukraine in the Soviet Union (early flags) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Turkmenistan in the Soviet Union (early flags) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Crimea in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Kabard-Balkaria in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Kalmykia in the Soviet Union, 1917-1942,1958-1992 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Moldavia in the Soviet Union (early flags) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Koryakia in the Soviet Union, 1930-1992 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Omsk Region in the Soviet Union, 1920-1992 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Chukotka in the Soviet Union, 1930-1992 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Buriatia in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Chuvashia in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Komia in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Fareastern Republic (Soviet Union, 1920) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Mary-El in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Mordovia in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Yakutia in the Soviet Union (1922-1991) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Leningrad City (Soviet Union: 1917-1991) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Daghestan in the Soviet Union, 1920-1992 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- South Ossetia in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Belarus in the Soviet Union (early flags) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Estonia in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Ajaria in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Abkhazia in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Kyrgyzstan in the Soviet Union (early flags) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Kazakhstan in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Georgia in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Khiva in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Kazakhstan in the Soviet Union (early flags) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Lithuania in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Latvia in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Kyrgyzstan in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Moldavia in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Bukhara in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Georgia in the Soviet Union (early flags) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Soviet sea rescue flags 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Nakhchivan in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Jack of the Soviet Navy, 1932-1992 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- House flags of soviet european river shipping companies 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Azerbaijan in the Soviet Union (early flags) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Armenia in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Azerbaijan in the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Armenia in the Soviet Union (early flags) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Naval flags of Soviet Russia (1917-1924) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- House flags of soviet asian (river) shipping companies 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Naval flags of the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Black Sea fleet 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Political flags of the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Army flags of the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Aeroflot (Soviet Union) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Sport flags of the Soviet Union 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Soviet Union space flag 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- K.G.B. (Soviet Union) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Banner of Victory (Soviet Army in Berlin, 1945) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Soviet Air Force 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Unidentified soviet military flags 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Soviet military flags 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Construction details of the Soviet flags 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Clickable map of San Marino 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- São Tomé and Príncipe 1974 flag proposals 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Košický kraj (Slovakia) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- São Tomé and Príncipe: 1967 Colonial Flag Proposal 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Incorrect depictions of the Soviet Union flag 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- São Tomé and Príncipe sport flags 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- São Tomé and Príncipe subnational flags 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Sudan - historical flags 2006-04-29 zeljko heimer
- Clickable map of Saint Helena (United Kingdom) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Goriška (Slovenia) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Osrednjeslovenska (Slovenia) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Spodnjeposavska and Dolenjska (Slovenia) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Sweden (län / counties) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Slovenia 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Slovakia 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Gorenjenska (Slovenia) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Pomurska (Slovenia) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Podravska (Slovenia) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Koroška (Slovenia) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Savinjska and Zasavska (Slovenia) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Baraolt (Romania, Covasna) 2006-04-29 rob raeside
- Covasna County (Romania) 2006-04-29 rob raeside
- Boys Brigade 2006-04-29 rob raeside
- Targu Secuiesc (Romania, Covasna) 2006-04-29 rob raeside
- Sudan - parties and political groups 2006-04-29 ole andersen
- Clickable map of Solomon Islands 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- House flags of Paraguayan shipping companies 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Pink triangle flags (gay pride) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Gay Pride / Rainbow Flag religious variants 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Transtejo — Grater Lisbon ferries company flags (Portugal) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Myanmar (Burma): Army flags 2006-04-29 ian macdonald
- House flags of Mauritian shipping companies 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Subnational flags of Peru 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Arequipa region (Peru) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Grau province (Peru) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Culture, education and media company flags in Portugal 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- La Libertad region (Peru) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- House flags of Peruvian shipping companies 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Lima Province (Peru) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Socialist Party (Portugal) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- San Martín region (Peru) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Lambayeque region (Peru) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- House flags of Moroccan shipping companies 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Amazonas region (Peru) 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- House flags of Eritrean shipping companies 2006-04-29 zeljko heimer
- Ethiopian Roundel 2006-04-29 zeljko heimer
- Ethiopia - Index of all pages 2006-04-29 zeljko heimer
- Ethiopian Shipping Lines (ESL) 2006-04-29 zeljko heimer
- Ethiopian State Flag Stamps 2006-04-29 zeljko heimer
- House flags of Guinean shipping companies 2006-04-29 zeljko heimer
- Ethiopia, Empire (until 1975) 2006-04-29 zeljko heimer
- Ethiopian Historical Military Flags 2006-04-29 zeljko heimer
- Ethiopian Imperial Naval Rank Flags 2006-04-29 zeljko heimer
- Pacific Aviation Safety Office 2006-04-29 rob raeside
- Fédération Internationale Féline 2006-04-29 rob raeside
- Cameroon 2006-04-29 zeljko heimer
- Cameroun Shipping Line 2006-04-29 zeljko heimer
- Congo 2006-04-29 zeljko heimer
- Gerli (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina) 2006-04-29 francisco gregoric
- La Plata District (Argentina) 2006-04-29 francisco gregoric
- Tucumán province (Argentina) 2006-04-29 francisco gregoric
- House flags of Chilean shipping companies 2006-04-29 antónio martins
- Historical flags of Argentina 2006-04-29 francisco gregoric
- Tunisia 2006-04-22 rob raeside
- Tunisia President 2006-04-22 rob raeside
- House Flags of U.S. Shipping Companies: ExxonMobil 2006-04-22 rob raeside
- Chin-men County (Taiwan) 2006-04-22 phil nelson
- Lien-chiang County (Taiwan) 2006-04-22 phil nelson
- I-lan, Taiwan 2006-04-22 phil nelson
- Chucuito province (Peru) 2006-04-22 antónio martins
- Oxapampa province (Peru) 2006-04-22 antónio martins
- Arequipa Province (Peru) 2006-04-22 antónio martins
- Paita province (Peru) 2006-04-22 antónio martins
- Huaylas Province (Peru) 2006-04-22 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Romania 2006-04-22 antónio martins
- Chachapoyas Province (Peru) 2006-04-22 antónio martins
- International Committee of the Red Cross 2006-04-22 rob raeside
- Blue Flags (Beach Quality) 2006-04-22 rob raeside
- World Bank 2006-04-22 rob raeside
- Samajwadi Party (India) 2006-04-22 ian macdonald
- Lok Jankshakti Party (India) 2006-04-22 ian macdonald
- Uttar Pradesh (India) 2006-04-22 ian macdonald
- Students Federation of India 2006-04-22 ian macdonald
- Swatantra Party (India) 2006-04-22 ian macdonald
- Communist Parties, India 2006-04-22 ian macdonald
- All Ceylon Young Men's Muslim Association, Sri Lanka 2006-04-22 ian macdonald
- Indian Federation of Trade Unions 2006-04-22 ian macdonald
- Jharkhand (India) 2006-04-22 ian macdonald
- Congress Jananayaka Peravai (India) 2006-04-22 ian macdonald
- Kolhapur (British India) 2006-04-22 ian macdonald
- Dravida Peravai Party (India) 2006-04-22 ian macdonald
- Democratic Socialist Party (Prabodh Chandra Sinha), India 2006-04-22 ian macdonald
- Ekta Parashad Party (India) 2006-04-22 ian macdonald
- Castlereagh Borough Council, Northern Ireland 2006-04-22 rob raeside
- United Kingdom: lighthouse authorities 2006-04-22 rob raeside
- United Kingdom: Ministry of Defence and army 2006-04-22 rob raeside
- Indian Army: Colours and Standards 2006-04-22 ian macdonald
- Bahujan Samaj Party (India) 2006-04-22 ian macdonald
- Indian Army Flags 2006-04-22 ian macdonald
- British shipping companies (N) 2006-04-22 rob raeside
- United Kingdom: Crowns on Flags 2006-04-22 rob raeside
- United Kingdom: Army Flag Stations 2006-04-22 rob raeside
- Vancouver, British Columbia 2006-04-22 phil nelson
- Lloydminster, Alberta and Saskatchewan 2006-04-22 phil nelson
- Hudson's Hope, British Columbia 2006-04-22 phil nelson
- Clickable map of Neuchâtel (Switzerland) 2006-04-22 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Sankt Gallen (Switzerland) 2006-04-22 antónio martins
- Chetwynd (District of), British Columbia 2006-04-22 phil nelson
- Red Deer College (Canada) 2006-04-22 phil nelson
- Royal Military College [Canada] 2006-04-22 phil nelson
- Dawson Creek, British Columbia 2006-04-22 phil nelson
- Chestermere, Alberta 2006-04-22 phil nelson
- High Level, Alberta 2006-04-22 phil nelson
- Rycroft, Alberta 2006-04-22 phil nelson
- Carstairs, Alberta 2006-04-22 phil nelson
- Heraldic Grants: Nova Scotia 2006-04-22 phil nelson
- Canadian Tartans 2006-04-22 phil nelson
- House flags of Canadian Shipping Companies (page 1) 2006-04-22 phil nelson
- Bangladesh 2006-04-22 ian macdonald
- South African Political Parties 2006-04-15 bruce berry
- Clickable map of South Africa 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation (1838-1839) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Bolivia within the Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation (1838-1839) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Pan-african colors 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Sport flags 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Chinchaysuyu (Inca Empire) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia (1860-1862) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- North Peru within the Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation (1838-1839) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Antisuyu (Inca Empire) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- BaTwa (Africa) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Cross-boundary african flag-bearing country-like entities 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- South Peru within the Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation (1838-1839) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Kuntisuyu (Inca Empire) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Inca (Quechua / Aymara) people (Western South America) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Doubtful reports of Inca flags 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Inca subdivisions’ flags (Western South America) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Awyayala (Inca’s South America) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Wallis and Futuna 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (Vietnam) 2006-04-15 phil nelson
- Sedang Kingdom (Vietnam) 2006-04-15 phil nelson
- Clickable map of Vanuatu (former districts) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- House Flags of U.S. Shipping Companies: C 2006-04-15 rob raeside
- Erroneous flag depictions in official stamps of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Historical flags of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Bequia island (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Washington (United States) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Nevada (United States) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of New York City (NY, United States) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Tunisia under French Administration 2006-04-15 rob raeside
- Tunisian Historical Ensigns (Galleys and Galiote) 2006-04-15 rob raeside
- Tunisia - Historical Flags 2006-04-15 rob raeside
- Tunisian Army in Sfax (1881) 2006-04-15 rob raeside
- Tunisia Aircraft Roundel 2006-04-15 rob raeside
- Tunisian Historical Ensigns (Privateers) 2006-04-15 rob raeside
- Tunisian Shipping Lines 2006-04-15 rob raeside
- Tunisian Historical Ensigns 2006-04-15 rob raeside
- Clickable map of Taiwan 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Ukraine 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Social-Democrat Party (East Timor) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Timorese Labour Party (East Timor) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Socialist Party of Timor (P.S.T.) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Christian-Democrat Party of Timor (East Timor) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- UNTAET specifcations for the East Timor national flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Timorese Democratic Union (U.D.T.) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Christian-Democrat Party (East Timor) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Parentil - East Timor National Republic Party (East Timor) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Battle Bureau for the Liberation of Timor (1961) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Apodeti, Timor People’s Democratic Association (East Timor) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Indonesian occupation flags in East Timor 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Timor People’s Party (East Timor) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- UN mandate in East Timor (2000-2003) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- FALINTIL (Armed Forces of National Liberation of East Timor) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- C.N.R.T. (National Council of East Timorese Resistance) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- East Timor flag history 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Political flags of East Timor 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Maubere Democratic Party (East Timor) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- KOTA - Klibur Oan Timor Asuwain (East Timor) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Timorese Social-Democrat Association (East Timor) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Democrat Party (East Timor) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Ad hoc flags for East Timor 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Self proclaimed Dem. Rep. of East Timor (1975) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of South Region (Thailand) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Variations of the (1975) east timorese flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of North Region (Thailand) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- The new flag debate (East Timor, 1999-2001) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- East Timor 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of East Timor 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Northeast Region (Thailand) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Administrative divisions of East Timor 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Thailand 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Rwanda : Historical Flags 2006-04-15 bruce berry
- Russian non-military security forces 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Glosa flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Lojban flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Flags of Volapük (language) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Klingon Language 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Neonazi flag symbolism 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Warsaw Pact 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- COMECON (1949-1991) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Flags of Interlingua (IALA) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Commonwealth of Independent States 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Flags of Ido 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- (Intergovenmental organizations — Redirect page!) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Mock variations of (neo)nazi flags 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Flags of Languages 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Andean Community of Nations 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Union of African States 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Flags of constructed languages 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Esperanto flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Greenpeace 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Derrogative nazi flag variations 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Companion Flag Organization 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Socialist rose emblem 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Islamic fundamentalism 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Neonazi flags 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Lifestream unity flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Environmentalism 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- “No bomb” flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Institute For Global Freedom Invention & Prosperity 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Socialism 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Unidentified (neo)nazi flags 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Peace Sign Flag (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmment) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- International Banner of Peace (Roerich Movement flag) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Red flag of Socialism 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Banned flags of nazi inspiration 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Communism 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Anarchism 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Humanist Party (worldwide) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Human Rights Campaign (worldwide) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Red and black diagonal flag of Anarchism 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- The black flag of Anarchism 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Neo-Capitalism 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- World Federation of Democratic Youth 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- The circle-A symbol of Anarchism 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- International Union of Socialist Youth 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Leather Pride flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- P flag (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Signal flags 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Transsexual flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Transgendered flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- History of the Gay Pride / Rainbow Flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Lambda flags (gay pride) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Gay Pride / Rainbow Flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- World Citizen flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Heterosexual flags 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- James W. Cadle’s Earth flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Bear Pride Flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- David Bartholomew’s Earth flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- BiPride flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- AIDS Awareness flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Mars 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- The International Bear Brotherhood Flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Paraguayan Navy medium rank flags 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Paraguayan national flag: version of 1988-1990 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Presidential flag of Paraguay 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Paraguayan national flag: version of 1954(?)-1988 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- History of the paraguayan national flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Paraguayan national flag of 1826-1842 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Paraguayan Navy admiral rank flags 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Paraguayan national flag: version of 1842-1967 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Guarani people (Paraguay) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Paraguayan Navy 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Portugal - historical flags 2006-04-15 jorge candeias
- Subnational flags of Paraguay 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Paraguayan Armed Forces 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Lisbon Municipality (Portugal) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Portimão Municipality (Portugal) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Vendas Novas Municipality (Portugal) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Palau 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Paraguayan Army 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Paraguayan provisional flags of 1811 (post-Congress) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Paraguayan flags of 1811 (pre-Congress) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Paraguayan Air Force 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Paraguayan national flag of 1812-1826 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Christ Knights’ Order (Portugal) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Tourism company flags in Portugal 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Avis Order (Portugal) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Portuguese television companies 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Lisbon subway company 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Portugal Telecom 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Portuguese railways company flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Lisbon bus company flags 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Humurous depictions of the portuguese national flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Portuguese banks 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Galp company (Portugal) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- (Portuguese commuter transport companies, obsolete) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- E.D.P. company flag (Portugal) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- (Portuguese energy companies — obsolete!) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Incorrect depictions of the portuguese national flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Łódzkie w. (Poland) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Warszawa (Poland) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Śviętokryskie w. (Poland) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Caguas (Puerto Rico) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Huancavelica region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Poland 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Ayacucho region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of French Polynesia (historical kingdoms) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Ucayali region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Tacna region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Cusco region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Piura region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Ica region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Callao province (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Ucayali former region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Chavin former region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Arequipa former region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Los Libertadores former region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Loreto region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Callao region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Puno region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Grau former region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Ancash region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Pasco region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- José Carlos Mariategui former region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Inca former region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Junín region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Apurímac region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Nor Oriental del Marañon (Renom) former region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Madre de Dios region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- San Martín former region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- La Libertad former region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Lima region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Tumbes region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Moquegua region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Peruvian political flags 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Senior Office Rank Flags of Peru 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Andrés Avelino Cáceres former region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Governmental and Military Flags of Peru 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Amazonas former region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Cajamarca region (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- History of the Peruvian Flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Peruvian presidential flag 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- History of the Peruvian Flag (1823) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Peruvian flags at sea 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Peruvian Navy 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Peruvian Navy Rank Flags 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- History of the Peruvian Flag (1822) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- History of the Peruvian Flag (may 1820) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Rejected flag proposals of 1825 (Peru) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Peruvian sports flags 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Peruvian Coat of Arms and National Emblem 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Peru 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Peruvian Air Force 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Peruvian Army 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Finnmark (Norway) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of New Zealand (traditional provinces) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Overijssel (Netherlands) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Utrecht Province (former divisions) (Netherlands) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Utrecht Province (present divisions) (Netherlands) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Zeeland province, Netherlands 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of South Holland (Netherlands) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of South Holland - Den Haag arrondissement (Netherlands) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of South Holland - Rotterdam arrondissement (Netherlands) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Lofoten and Vesterålen (Norway) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Hordaland (Norway) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Norway 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Overijssel (former divisions) (Netherlands) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Eastern North Brabant - Den Bosch arrondissement(Netherlands) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Baarle-Nassau municipality (Netherlands) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of West North Brabant - Breda arrondissement (Netherlands) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Limburg province (Netherlands) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of North Holland [Netherlands] 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Gelderland 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Gelderland - Arnhem arrondissement (Netherlands) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Northern Limburg province, Netherlands 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Gelderland - Zutphen arrondissement (Netherlands) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Groningen (Netherlands) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Vilanculos (Mozambique) 2006-04-15 bruce berry
- Mozambique - national index 2006-04-15 bruce berry
- Resistëncia Nacional Moçambicana (Mozambique) 2006-04-15 bruce berry
- Clickable map of Drenthe province, Netherlands 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of the Netherlands 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Dongeradeel Municipality (Friesland, Netherlands) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Flevoland (Netherlands) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Friesland (Netherlands) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Friesland Historical Shires (Netherlands) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Mauritius independent kingdom (1968-1992) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Malta 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Malta (Gawdex island) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Mauritius’ officials personal flags 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Mauritius’ ensigns 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Malaysia 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Malta (Malta island) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Ialoveni (Moldova) 2006-04-15 zach harden
- Tanibe kingdom (Madagascar) 2006-04-15 bruce berry
- Menabe kingdom (Madagascar) 2006-04-15 bruce berry
- Sidi Kacem province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Macao (China) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Settat province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Safi province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Tarfaya Province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Taounate province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- International Zone of Tangiers (Morocco, 1912-1956) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Tan-Tan province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Tanger (Tangiers) province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Taroudannt province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Tata province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Taza province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Tiznit province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Tetouan province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Dakhla (Oued Eddahab-Lagouira) Province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Kenitra province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Ouarzazate province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Khemisset province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Larache province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Nador province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Oujda province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Laayoune province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- El Jadida province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Rabat-Sale, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Republic of Er Rif (Morocco, 1920-1926) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Marrakech, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Khouribga province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Meknes province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- El Kelaa des Srarhna province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Khenifra province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Fes, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Boulemane province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Boujdour province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Ben Slimane province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Chaouen province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Azilal province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Agadir province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Ifrane province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Morocco flags at sea 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Ksar es-Suk / Er Rachidia province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Essaouira province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Beni Mellal province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Figuig province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Moroccan royal flags 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Guelmim province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Moroccan Navy 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Al Hoceima province, Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Morocco Historical Flags 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Moroccan millitary flags 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Spanish Protectorate of Morocco (1912-1956) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Moroccan Air Force insignia 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Subnational flags of Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Kyongsangbuk-do, South Korea 2006-04-15 phil nelson
- Liechtenstein 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Morocco 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Dongguk University (South Korea) 2006-04-15 phil nelson
- Shinsengumi (Japan) 2006-04-15 phil nelson
- United Kingdom: Royal Africa Company and Guinea Company 2006-04-15 rob raeside
- Gold Coast (Ghana under British rule, -1957) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Comment réutiliser le GeoIndex FOTW 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- About Asafo company flags (Fante people, Ghana) 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- FOTW clickable maps - How to reuse them 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Denmark 2006-04-15 rob raeside
- China - Shipping houseflags 2006-04-15 phil nelson
- Democratic Republic of Congo 2006-04-15 bruce berry
- Bolivian flags of 1851-1855 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Bolivian military flags 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Bolivian political flags 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Sucre, Bolivia 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Chuquisaca department, Bolivia 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Litoral department, Bolivia 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- House flags of Bolivian shipping companies 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Bolivia 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- House flags of Burkinan shipping companies 2006-04-15 antónio martins
- Sierra Leone 2006-04-10 rob raeside
- @Swedish Population in the Aaland Islands (Finland) 2006-04-08 phil nelson
- Vatican - Swiss Guard (Part I) 2006-04-08 martin karner
- Venezuela - Change of Symbols (2006) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Vatican City (Holy See) - Part I 2006-04-08 martin karner
- Lyutovys'ka (Lviv, Ukraine) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- El Transito (San Miguel, El Salvador) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Tobago (Trinidad and Tobago) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Trinidad and Tobago 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Ilopango (San Salvador, El Salvador) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- San Miguel Department (El Salvador) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- San Salvador Department (El Salvador) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Point Fortin (Trinidad and Tobago) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Suriname - Colonial Flags 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Suriname 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- El Salvador - Municipalities 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Flags of political parties (Sweden) 2006-04-08 phil nelson
- Other Christian Flags 2006-04-08 martin karner
- Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople and Autonomous Church of Greece 2006-04-08 martin karner
- Christian orders 2006-04-08 martin karner
- Orders of the Temple 2006-04-08 martin karner
- Kommuner (Norway) 2006-04-08 phil nelson
- Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem 2006-04-08 martin karner
- Borinquen (Caguas , Puerto Rico) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Tysnes, Hordaland 2006-04-08 phil nelson
- Neonazi flags in Norway 2006-04-08 phil nelson
- British Ceylon 2006-04-08 ian macdonald
- Laos 2006-04-08 phil nelson
- Laos during the French Protectorate 2006-04-08 phil nelson
- Sri Lanka Military Flags 2006-04-08 ian macdonald
- Jamaica 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Brignano Gera d'Adda (Lombardy, Italy) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Sikkim (India) 2006-04-08 ian macdonald
- India: President 2006-04-08 ian macdonald
- Indian Navy Flags 2006-04-08 ian macdonald
- Bodoland 2006-04-08 ian macdonald
- Indonesia - princely states 2006-04-08 rob raeside
- Indian Flag Proposals 2006-04-08 ian macdonald
- Hungary - Minorities 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Hungary - Historical Flags (1918-1945) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Hungary - Political Flags 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Hungary 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Comayagua Department (Honduras) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Hungary - Coat of Arms - Part 1 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Honduras 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Honduras - Subdivisions 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Quetzaltenango Department (Guatemala) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- West Africa Settlements 2006-04-08 rob raeside
- Denmark Royalty 2006-04-08 rob raeside
- Cuba - Political Flags 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Turrubares (San Jose, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Tibas (San Jose, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- San Jose (San Jose, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Puriscal (San Jose, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Tarrazu (San Jose, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Santa Ana (San Jose, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Perez Zeledon (San Jose, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Dota (San Jose, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Leon Cortes (San Jose, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Puntarenas (Puntarenas, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Escazu (San Jose, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Acosta (San Jose, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Alajuelita (San Jose, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Esparza (Puntarenas, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- San Jose Province (Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Aserri (San Jose, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Curridabat (San Jose, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Montes de Oca (San Jose, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Desamparados (San Jose, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Mora (San Jose, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Parrita (Puntarenas, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Osa (Puntarenas, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Montes de Oro (Puntarenas, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Moravia (San Jose, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Goicoechea (San Jose, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Golfito (Puntarenas, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Garabito (Puntarenas, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Belen Canton (Heredia, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Costa Rica - Political Flags - Cantonal - Part II 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Corredores (Puntarenas, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Coto Brus (Puntarenas, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Buenos Aires (Puntarenas, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Aguirre (Puntarenas, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Puntarenas Province (Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Valverde Vega (Alajuela, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Alajuela Province (Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Alajuela (Alajuela, Costa Rica) 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Costa Rica - Political Flags - Cantonal - Part I 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Costa Rica - Subdivisions 2006-04-08 dov gutterman
- Aaland Islands - Fact Sheet 2006-04-08 phil nelson
- @Finnish flag of Aaland Islands (Finland) 2006-04-08 phil nelson
- Democratic Republic of Congo - Coat of Arms 2006-04-08 bruce berry
- Proposals for the Ĺland Islands flag 2006-04-08 phil nelson
- Flying ensigns from gaffs 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Ratios of flags 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Naval traditions about flags 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Puerto Cabello (Carabobo, Venezuela) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Dashava (Lviv, Ukraine) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Khmel'nyts'kiy District (Khmel'nyts'kiy, Ukraine) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Khmel'nyts'kiy County (Ukraine) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Lviv County (Ukraine) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Fictional/Erroneous Flags (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Flag ca.1656-1782 (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Vice Admiral's Flag (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Flag 1855-1916 (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Senior Officer Afloat (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Flag 1916-1917 (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Flag 1941-1945 (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Squadron Commander (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- War Ensign (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Commodore's Flag (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Naval Group Commander (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Historical Naval Rank Flags (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Jack (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Naval Rank Flags (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Rear Admiral's Flag (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- House Flags of Shipping Companies (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Government Service Pennants and Pilot's Flag (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Commander's Pennant (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Commander-in-Chief of the Navy's Flag (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Ensigns and other Naval Flags (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Commander of the Fleet (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Admiral of the Fleet's Flag (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Admiral's Flag (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Pattani United Liberation Organization (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Akha People (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Political Flags (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Royal Flags (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Royal Thai Police (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Commander of a Coastal Station's Flag (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Royal Standard (Thailand) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Diplomatic Flags (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Ministerial and Departmental Flags (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Army Rank Flags (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Personal Flag of H.M. King Bhumipol Adulyadej (Rama IX) (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Air Force Flags and Fin Flash (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Buddhist Flags (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Regent's Standard (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Army Flags (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Historical Flags (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Historical Royal Standards (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Corporate Flags (Thailand) 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Thailand 2006-04-01 eugene ipavec
- Vastergotland (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Sodermanland (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- West Bothnia (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Vastmanland (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Upland (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Varmland (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Smaland (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- North Bothnia (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Oestergotland (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Medelpad (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Oland (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Halland (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Halsingland (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Lapland (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Harjedalen (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Scania (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Jamtland (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Jamtland, "Republic" of (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Närke (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Gotland (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Aangermanland (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Blekinge (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Bohuslän (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Oland, unofficial flags and flag proposals (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Dalecarlia (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Dalsland (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Gaestrikland (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Harjedalen, unofficial flags and flag proposals (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Gotland, unofficial flags and flag proposals (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Gotaland, East Götaland, unofficial flag (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Bohuslän, unofficial flags and flag proposals (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Halsingland, unofficial flags and flag proposals (Sweden) 2006-04-01 phil nelson
- Political Parties (Palestine) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Pakistan - naval ensigns 2006-04-01 ian macdonald
- Pakistan Shipping Lines 2006-04-01 ian macdonald
- New Zealand Railways 2006-04-01 jonathan dixon
- New Zealand 2006-04-01 jonathan dixon
- The Hurricanes rugby side (New Zealand) 2006-04-01 jonathan dixon
- New Zealand - House flags of shipping companies 2006-04-01 jonathan dixon
- Nepal Royal Flags 2006-04-01 ian macdonald
- Panama City (Panama) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Kathmandu, Nepal 2006-04-01 ian macdonald
- Communist Marxist Leninist Party 2006-04-01 ian macdonald
- All Nepal National Free Students' Union 2006-04-01 ian macdonald
- Potosi (Rivas, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Autonomous Region of Atlantico Norte (Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Altagracia (Rivas, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Rivas (Rivas, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- San Carlos (Rio San Juan, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Buenos Aires (Rivas, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Moyogalpa (Rivas, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- San Jorge (Rivas, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- El Castillo (Rio San Juan, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Matagalpa Department (Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Madriz Department(Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Somoto (Madriz, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Managua Department(Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Mangua (Managua, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- San Rafael (Managua, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Tipitapa (Managua, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Masaya Department(Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Masaya (Masaya, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Ocotal (Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Nueva Segovia (Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- San Isidro (Matagalpa, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Sebaco (Matagalpa, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Matagalpa (Matagalpa, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Matiguas (Matagalpa, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Leon Department(Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Ciudad Dario (Matagalpa, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Nicaragua - Subdivisions 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Puerto Cabezas (Atlantico Norte, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Rama (Atlantico Sur, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Bluefields (Atlantico Sur, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Bonanza (Atlantico Norte, Nicaragua) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- City of Żebbuġ (Malta Island) (Malta) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Village of St Paul's Bay / San Pawl il-Baħar (Malta) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Myanmar shipping lines house flags 2006-04-01 ian macdonald
- Myanmar - Index of All Pages 2006-04-01 ian macdonald
- Karen tribe (Myanmar) 2006-04-01 ian macdonald
- Brunate (Lombardy, Italy) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Venaria Reale (Piedmont, Italy) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Cassina Rizzardi (Lombardy, Italy) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Bulgarograsso (Lombardy, Italy) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Green Flag - Eco Schools campaign 2006-04-01 rob raeside
- Roman Empire - Historical Flags (Italy) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Croatia - Coat of Arms 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Independent State of Croatia (1941-1945) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Hungary - Historical Military Flags (1848) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Hungary - Historical Military Flags (1919-1989) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Alotenango (Sacatepequez, Guatemala) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Jocotenango (Sacatepequez, Guatemala) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- San Lucas Sacatepequez (Sacatepequez, Guatemala) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Pastores (Sacatepequez, Guatemala) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Zunilito (Suchitepequez, Guatemala) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- San Antonio Aguas Calientes (Sacatepequez, Guatemala) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Quetzaltenango (Quetzaltenango, Guatemala) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- El Progreso Department (Guatemala) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Salcaja (Quetzaltenango, Guatemala) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Comalapa (Chimaltenango, Guatemala) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Purulha (Baja Verapaz, Guatemala) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Sanarate (El Progreso, Guatemala) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Wiltshire, England 2006-04-01 rob raeside
- Guatemala - Subnational Flags 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Lanquin (Alta Verapaz, Guatemala) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Santa Cruz (Alta Verapaz, Guatemala) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Unidentified Colour of a Unit deployed in Mexico ca. 1823 (Spain) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Colour of the Fuerzas Regulares de Ceuta Infantry Regiment 1938-1940 (Spain) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Burgundy Cross Flag 1506-1785 (Spain) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Flag for Coastal Fortresses and Naval Buildings after 1786 (Spain) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Colours of the Royal Guard 1704-1841 (Spain) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Unidentified Regimental Colour of Infantry ca.1600 (Spain) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Chief-of-Staff of the Navy's Flag (Spain) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Military Flags 1843-1931 (Spain) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Colour of the 6th Infantry Regiment 'Málaga' 1810-1812 (Spain) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Regimental Colour of the 2nd Battalion, 43rd Regiment of Infantry 'Granada' 1847-1931 (Spain) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Colour of the National Militia Battalion from Cabeza de Buey 1820-1823 (Spain) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Military Flags 1931-1939 (Spain) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Regimental Colour of the 24th Infantry Regiment 'Bailén' 1872-1873 (Spain) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Regimental Colours of Swiss Regiment Reding 1742-c.1749 (Spain) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Regimental Colour of Swiss Regiment Nideröst 1719-1735 (Spain) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Regimental Colour 1706 model (Spain) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Military Flags 1701-1843 (Spain) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Flag of the Spanish troops in the Battle of Pavia 1525 (Spain) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Cardinal Cisneros flag during the conquest of Oran 1509 (Spain) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Flags of the Spanish Infantry in the Conquest of Tunis 1535 (Spain) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Bremen (Germany) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Talamanca (Limon, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Siquirres (Limon, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Barva (Heredia, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Limon (Limon, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Matina (Limon, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Guacimo (Limon, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Limon Province (Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- San Rafael (Heredia, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Guanacaste (Guanacaste, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Pococi (Limon, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Flores (Heredia, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Hojancha (Guanacaste, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Heredia (Heredia, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Heredia Province (Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- La Cruz (Guanacaste, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Nandayure (Guanacaste, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- San Pablo (Heredia, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- San Isidro (Heredia, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Santo Domingo (Heredia, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Nicoya (Guanacaste, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Santa Cruz (Guanacaste, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Tilaran (Guanacaste, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Sarapiqui (Heredia, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Liberia (Guanacaste, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Carrillo (Guanacaste, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Upala (Alajuela, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Oreamuno (Cartago, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Paraiso (Cartago, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Turrialba (Cartago, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Palmares (Alajuela, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- El Guarco (Cartago, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Poas (Alajuela, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- La Union (Cartago, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Guanacaste Province (Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Los Chiles (Alajuela, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- San Ramon (Alajuela, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Naranjo (Alajuela, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Abangares (Guanacaste, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Bagaces (Guanacaste, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Cartago Province (Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Alvarado (Cartago, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Jimenez (Cartago, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Cartago (Cartago, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Guatuso (Alajuela, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Canas (Guanacaste, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Orotina (Alajuela, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- San Mateo (Alajuela, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- San Carlos (Alajuela, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia) 2006-04-01 jonathan dixon
- Mount Gambier (South Australia) 2006-04-01 jonathan dixon
- Naval Reserve Cadets (Australia) 2006-04-01 jonathan dixon
- Maritime Houseflags (Australia) 2006-04-01 jonathan dixon
- City of Willoughby (NSW, Australia) 2006-04-01 jonathan dixon
- Maritime Houseflags Au-Az (Australia) 2006-04-01 jonathan dixon
- Maritime Houseflags Aa-At (Australia) 2006-04-01 jonathan dixon
- Atenas (Alajuela, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Grecia (Alajuela, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- Alfaro Ruiz (Alajuela, Costa Rica) 2006-04-01 dov gutterman
- United Arab Emirates 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Pan-Arab Colours 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Sharjah (United Arab Emirates) 2006-04-01 santiago dotor
- Australian Customs Service 2006-04-01 jonathan dixon
- Royal Military College - Australia 2006-04-01 jonathan dixon
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