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Pages modified on 2005-11
Last modified: 2006-09-30
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- Free Culture/Creative Communist flag 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- NATO Signal Flags 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Two flags on one mast 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Santa Ana Department (El Salvador) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Usulutan Department (El Salvador) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- (Penza Region (Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- (Tomsk Region (Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- (Stravopol Region (Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- (Pskov Region (Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- North Caucasian Federation (Russia, 1915-1925) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- Volga Cossacks’ flags (Russia) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- Cossacks’ flags (Russia) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- Orocovis (Puerto Rico) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Clickable map of Castelo Branco district (Portugal) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Santarém district (Portugal) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Braga district (Portugal) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Faro district (Portugal) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- Portuguese Air Force 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Setúbal district (Portugal) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- Oswiecim county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Strzelce Opolskie county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Prudnik county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Trzebinia (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Tokarnia commune (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Wadowice county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Skorogoszcz village (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Opolskie (Poland) Counties and Communes 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Brzeg county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Grodkow city and commune (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Kamiennik (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Kluczbork county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Nysa county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Olesno county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Tymbark commune (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Raba Wyzna (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Sucha Beskidzka county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Skawina city (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Ropa commune (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Proszowice county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Palecznica (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Oswiecim city (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Olkusz county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Nowe Brzesko (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Gorlice county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Dobczyce Commune (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Chrzanów county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Babice (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Tarnów county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Zdunska Wola county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Zgierz county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Tomaszow Mazowiecki County (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Skierniewice city (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Sieradz county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Radomsko county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Radomsko city (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Pabianice county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Brzeziny county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Lowicz County (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Kedzierzyn-Kozle county (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Wieliszew commune (Poland) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Oslo (Norway) 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Etne, Hordaland 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Nesseby, Finmark 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- South Trøndelag (Norway) 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Tana, Finmark 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Telemark (Norway) 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Mexico - Merchant marine: Registration flags 2005-11-25 juan manuel gabino villascán
- Mexico - Partido de la Revolución Democrática 2005-11-25 juan manuel gabino villascán
- Mexico - Nazi and Neonazi Movements: Partido Nacional Socialista de México 2005-11-25 juan manuel gabino villascán
- Mexico - Mexican Revolution flags 2005-11-25 juan manuel gabino villascán
- Mexico - Partido Revolucionario Institucional 2005-11-25 juan manuel gabino villascán
- @ Obsolete page! 2005-11-25 juan manuel gabino villascán
- Mexico - Lighthouse Service 2005-11-25 juan manuel gabino villascán
- Mexico - Maritime mail 2005-11-25 juan manuel gabino villascán
- Mexico - Merchant marine: Customs Service 2005-11-25 juan manuel gabino villascán
- South Korean Provinces 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Kuni-Prefecture conversion (Japan) 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Miscellaneous service flags (Japan) 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Tavagnasco (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Piossasco (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- La Spezia Province (Liguria, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Stezzano (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- San Giovanni al Natisone (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Cividale del Friuli (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Chiusaforte (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Buttrio (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Udine Province (Friuli - Venezia Giulia, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Bolano (Liguria, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Busto Arsizio (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Moriago della Battaglia (Veneto, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Valgoglio (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Vibo Valentia Province (Calabaria, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Morsano al Tagliamento (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Rovigo Province (Veneto, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Ceneselli (Veneto, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Reggio Calabria (Calabria, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Rome Province (Latium, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Pordenone Province (Friuli - Venezia Giulia, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Lesa (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Pasiano di Pordenone (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Cordenons (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Librizzi (Sicily,Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Viadana (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Rometta (Sicily,Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Mantova Province (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Priverno (Latium, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Cortina d'Ampezzo (Veneto, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Spirano (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region - Subdivisions - Index (Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Borgo San Lorenzo (Tuscany, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Bagnolo Mella (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Castellero (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Latina Province (Latium, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Cori (Latium, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Casaletto Vaprio (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Acquanegra Cremonese (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Ciudad Vieja (Sacatepequez, Guatemala) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- @Zunilito (Sacatepequez, Guatemala) - OBSOLETE 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- (Clickable map of Australia: Obsolete page) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- (Clickable map of Asia: Obsolete page) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- (Clickable map of Europe: Obsolete page) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- (Clickable map of Africa: Obsolete page) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- (Clickable map of the Middle East: Obsolete page) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- (Clickable map of Norway: Obsolete page) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- (Clickable map of North America: Obsolete page) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- (Clickable map of Oceania: Obsolete page) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- (Clickable map of South America: Obsolete page) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- (Clickable map of Taiwan: Obsolete page) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- (Clickable map of Germany: Obsolete page) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- (Clickable map of Central America and Carebbean: Obsolete page) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- (FOTW clickable maps - How to reuse them: Obsolete page) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- (Clickable map of the world: Obsolete page) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- (Clickable map of Africa with pop-up flags: Obsolete page) 2005-11-25 antónio martins
- Salamanca Province (Castile and Leon, Spain) 2005-11-25 santiago dotor
- Yachts' Ensign 1875-1931 (Spain) 2005-11-25 santiago dotor
- Yachts' Ensign 1945-1977 (Spain) 2005-11-25 santiago dotor
- Colour of the 5th Mountain Battalion 'Barcelona' 1938-1945 (Spain) 2005-11-25 santiago dotor
- Yachts Ensign (Spain) 2005-11-25 santiago dotor
- Yacht Club Burgees and Flags (Spain) 2005-11-25 santiago dotor
- Trasmediterránea S.A. (Shipping Company, Spain) 2005-11-25 santiago dotor
- Ensigns, Jack and Commissioning Pennant (Spain) 2005-11-25 santiago dotor
- Colour of the National Guard Battalion from Barcelona 1834-1836 (Spain) 2005-11-25 santiago dotor
- Standard of the Cavalry Regiment 'Calatrava' 1768-1833 (Spain) 2005-11-25 santiago dotor
- Subnational Flags (Germany) 2005-11-25 santiago dotor
- Tuquerres (Narino, Colombia) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Chinese Imperial Nautical Flags 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Samaniego (Narino, Colombia) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- Narino Department (Colombia) 2005-11-25 dov gutterman
- China to Haiti Peacekeeping Police Anti-Riot Squad 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Oujé-Bougoumou (Quebec) 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec (Canada) 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- York Regional Municipality, Ontario 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Whitchurch-Stouffville, Ontario 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Baie-d’Urfé (Quebec) 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Woodstock, Ontario 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- East Gwillimbury, Ontario 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- King Township, Ontario 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Vaughan, Ontario 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Markham, Ontario 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Newmarket, Ontario 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Aurora, Ontario 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Rocky View, Alberta 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Edmundston, New Brunswick 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Pictou, Nova Scotia 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Georgina, Ontario 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Coast Guard (Canada) 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- St'at'imc Nation (Canada) 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Rank Flags: Canadian Coast Guard 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- New Democratic Party 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Association des descendants des Lemieux d'Amérique inc. (Quebec) 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Nisga'a Nation (Canada) 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Les Tifault d'Amérique inc. (Quebec) 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Association des Morin d'Amérique inc (Quebec) 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Belarus 2005-11-25 zach harden
- Belarus - Military Flags 2005-11-25 zach harden
- McDonalds (Canada) 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Queen's Colours (Canada) 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Civil Aviation Ensign (Canada) 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Royal Canadian Legion 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- Association des Chouinard d’Amérique du Nord (Quebec) 2005-11-25 phil nelson
- UNITA (Angola) 2005-11-25 bruce berry
- FNLA (Angola) 2005-11-25 bruce berry
- PSD (Angola) 2005-11-25 bruce berry
- PRS (Angola) 2005-11-25 bruce berry
- Portuguese Angola 2005-11-25 bruce berry
- Cabinda (Angola) 2005-11-25 bruce berry
- PNDA (Angola) 2005-11-25 bruce berry
- PLD (Angola) 2005-11-25 bruce berry
- P.A.J.O.C.A. (Angola) 2005-11-25 bruce berry
- MPLA (Angola) 2005-11-25 bruce berry
- Angola - liberation movements 2005-11-25 bruce berry
- Organization of Angola Women 2005-11-25 bruce berry
- Angola 2003 proposal 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- FLEC 2 (Cabinda, Angola) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- FLEC 3 (Cabinda, Angola) 2005-11-25 jarig bakker
- Angolan roundels 2005-11-25 bruce berry
- FLEC 4 (Cabinda, Angola) 2005-11-25 bruce berry
- FLEC 5 (Cabinda, Angola) 2005-11-25 bruce berry
- FDA (Angola) 2005-11-25 bruce berry
- AD (Angola) 2005-11-25 bruce berry
- FLEC 1 (Cabinda, Angola) 2005-11-25 bruce berry
- Kakongo (Angola) 2005-11-25 bruce berry
- Precolonial Angola 2005-11-25 bruce berry
- House Flags of U.S. Shipping Companies: Z 2005-11-19 rob raeside
- House Flags of U.S. Shipping Companies: O 2005-11-19 rob raeside
- Uganda President 2005-11-19 bruce berry
- Bakonjo People (Uganda-Dem. Rep. Congo) 2005-11-19 bruce berry
- Buganda (Uganda) 2005-11-19 bruce berry
- Bunyoro Kingdom (Uganda) 2005-11-19 bruce berry
- District flags (Uganda) 2005-11-19 bruce berry
- Uganda: colonial flags 2005-11-19 bruce berry
- Democratic Party (Uganda) 2005-11-19 bruce berry
- Allied Democratic Movement (Uganda) 2005-11-19 bruce berry
- Ankole Kingdom (Uganda) 2005-11-19 bruce berry
- UPC (Uganda) 2005-11-19 bruce berry
- Busoga Kingdom (Uganda) 2005-11-19 bruce berry
- Uganda 2005-11-19 bruce berry
- Aircraft marking (Uganda) 2005-11-19 bruce berry
- Uganda : Index of all pages 2005-11-19 bruce berry
- Somaliland flagvariations 2005-11-19 bruce berry
- (Tyumen Region (Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-19 antónio martins
- (Ulyanovsk Region (Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-19 antónio martins
- (Taimyria (Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-19 antónio martins
- (Khanty-Mansiysk city (Yugra, Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-19 antónio martins
- (Raduzhnyy city (Yugra, Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-19 antónio martins
- (Pokachi city (Yugra, Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-19 antónio martins
- (Surgut city (Yugra, Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-19 antónio martins
- (Subdivisions of Yugra (Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-19 antónio martins
- (Myegion city (Yugra, Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-19 antónio martins
- (Kogalym city (Yugra, Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-19 antónio martins
- (Nyeftyeyugansk city (Yugra, Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-19 antónio martins
- (Yugra (Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-19 antónio martins
- Nation of Islam 2005-11-19 rob raeside
- Wodzislaw county (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Lubawa (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Kalisz Pomorski (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Wieliczka county (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Rybnik city (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Malbork county (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Kartuzy county (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Koscierzyna county (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Mikolów county (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Pawlowice (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki county (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Pruszków county (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Lubelskie Vojvodship (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Wyszków county (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Wolomin county (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Bukowno (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Inowroclaw county (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Wieluñ county (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Lubuskie (Poland) Communes 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Gdansk (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Kamienna Góra county (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Wschowa county (Poland) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Poland - Airforce flags 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Poland - Navy flags 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Cagayan Valley, Region II, Philippines 2005-11-19 michael smuda
- Goralenvolk (1939), Poland 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Zwijndrecht (The Netherlands) 2005-11-19 jarig bakker
- Mexico - Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2005-11-19 juan manuel gabino villascán
- Witu Protectorate (Kenya) 2005-11-19 bruce berry
- Celleno (Latium, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Joppolo (Calabria, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Limbadi (Calabria, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Soriano Calabro (Calabria, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Pinerolo (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Pragelato (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Bodio Lomnago (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Veneto Region (Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Montanaro (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Varisella (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Teramo Province (Abruzzi, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Bormio (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Sicily Region (Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Sassari Province (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- San Bellino (Veneto, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Sardinia Region (Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Ponte Buggianese (Tuscany, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Casatisma (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Pavia Province (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Gerace (Calabria, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Ruvo del Monte (Basilicata, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Massa e Cozzile (Tuscany, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- San Severino Lucano (Basilicata, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Apulia Region (Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- San Martino d'Agri (Basilicata, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Pistoia (Tuscany, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Cardedu (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Piedmont Region (Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Triei (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- La Maddalena (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Perugia (Umbria, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Talana (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Nuoro Province (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Mestrino (Veneto, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Ogliastra Province (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Olbia (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Telti (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Naples Province (Campania, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Grumo Nevano (Campania, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Matera Province (Basilicata, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Molise Region (Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Ferrandina (Basilicata, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Gesturi (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Villa Faraldi (Liguria, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- San Gavino Monreale (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Ussaramanna (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Erve (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Barga (Tuscany, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Magnago (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Lecco Province (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Firenzuola (Tuscany, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Fosdinovo (Tuscany, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Monte Sant'Angelo (Apulia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Bagno a Ripoli (Tuscany, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Celle di San Vito (Apulia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Imperia Province (Liguria, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- San Severo (Apulia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Carbonia (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Casacalenda (Molise, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Carbonia-Iglesias Province (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Iglesias (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Villapiana (Calabaria, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Colle d'Anchise (Molise, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Acquappesa (Calabaria, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Cosenza Province (Calabria, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Oratino (Molise, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Fresagrandinaria (Abruzzi, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- San Giuliano di Puglia (Molise, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Colletorto (Molise, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Chieti Province (Abruzzi, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Narcao (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Bonefro (Molise, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Decimomannu (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Campobasso Province (Molise, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Siliqua (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Cagliari Province (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Moiano (Campania, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Agordo (Veneto, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Spinone al Lago (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Montaldo Scarampi (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Vaglio Serra (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Viguzzolo (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Stazzano (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Cartosio (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Abruzzi Region - Subdivisions - Index (Italy) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Indian States 2005-11-19 rob raeside
- Varazdin County (Croatia) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Marusevec (Varazdin, Croatia) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- (Clickable map of South Korea: Obsolete page) 2005-11-19 antónio martins
- (Clickable map of Switzerland: Obsolete page) 2005-11-19 antónio martins
- (Clickable map of Japan: Obsolete page) 2005-11-19 antónio martins
- Municipality of Cofrentes (Valencia Province, Valencian Community, Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Municipality of Quesa (Valencia Province, Valencian Community, Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Valencian Community (Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Valencia Province (Valencian Community, Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Gabon - Military flags 2005-11-19 phil nelson
- War Ensign 1785-1931 (Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Francisco García S.A. (Shipping Company, Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Flebasa Lines (Shipping Company, Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Pérez y Cía (Shipping Company, Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Civil Ensign 1785-1927 (Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Municipality of Villanueva de la Serena (Badajoz Province, Extremadura, Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Naviera Murueta S.A. (Shipping Company, Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Castile and Leon (Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Bergé Marítima S.A. (Shipping Company, Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Castilian Independentist Flag (Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Naviera Pinillos (Shipping Company, Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Transcoma Nor S.A. (Shipping Company, Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Navicon S.A. (Shipping Company, Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Marchartering S.L. (Shipping Company, Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Naviera Armas (Shipping Company, Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Agencia Marítima Portillo S.A. (Shipping Company, Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Commoner Land-Castilian Nationalist Party (Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Commoner Left (Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Castilian Nationalist Parties (Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Flag Urban Legends (Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- The 1785 War Ensign Contest (Spain) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Ecuador - Houseflags of Shipping Companies 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Tapa linn (Laane-Virumaa, Estonia) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Suure-Jaani linn (Viljandimaa, Estonia) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Roman Catholic Church (obsolete) 2005-11-19 rob raeside
- El Retiro (Antioquia, Colombia) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Marquetalia (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-19 dov gutterman
- Assis, São Paulo State (Brazil) 2005-11-19 joe mcmillan
- Florianópolis, Santa Catarina (Brazil) 2005-11-19 joe mcmillan
- Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul(Brazil) 2005-11-19 joe mcmillan
- Barueri, São Paulo State (Brazil) 2005-11-19 joe mcmillan
- Vila Velha, Espírito Santo(Brazil) 2005-11-19 joe mcmillan
- Colonial Flags of Brazil 2005-11-19 joe mcmillan
- Vera Cruz, São Paulo State (Brazil) 2005-11-19 joe mcmillan
- Iguape, São Paulo State (Brazil) 2005-11-19 joe mcmillan
- São Paulo, São Paulo State (Brazil) 2005-11-19 joe mcmillan
- Paranaguá, Paraná (Brazil) 2005-11-19 joe mcmillan
- Emirates Heritage Club (United Arab Emirates) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- Dubai Offshore Sailing Club (United Arab Emirates) 2005-11-19 santiago dotor
- House Flags of U.S. Shipping Companies: S 2005-11-12 rob raeside
- House Flags of U.S. Shipping Companies: F 2005-11-12 rob raeside
- House Flags of U.S. Shipping Companies: R 2005-11-12 rob raeside
- House Flags of U.S. Shipping Companies: E 2005-11-12 rob raeside
- House Flags of U.S. Shipping Companies: D 2005-11-12 rob raeside
- (Multinational Force and Observers) 2005-11-12 rob raeside
- P'ing-tung County (Pingtung), Taiwan 2005-11-12 phil nelson
- Artemivs'k (Lugans'k, Ukraine) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Istanbul Port Utilities Monopoly Turkish Joint Stock Co. 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- South-West Somalia (Somalia) 2005-11-12 bruce berry
- Puntland 2005-11-12 bruce berry
- Somaliland flag variations 2005-11-12 bruce berry
- Tonsberg, Vestfold 2005-11-12 phil nelson
- Klippans (Sweden) 2005-11-12 phil nelson
- Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Tiraspol (Dniester Republic, Moldova) 2005-11-12 zach harden
- Dnestrovsk (Dniester Republic, Moldova) 2005-11-12 zach harden
- Judetul Balti (Moldova) 2005-11-12 zach harden
- Gagauzia (Moldova) 2005-11-12 zach harden
- Chisinau (Moldova) 2005-11-12 zach harden
- Ungheni (Moldova) 2005-11-12 zach harden
- Dniestr Republic (Moldova) 2005-11-12 zach harden
- Nortraship (Norway) 2005-11-12 phil nelson
- Viterbo Province (Latium, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Sutri (Latium, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Gerocarne (Calabria, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Mathi (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Santhia (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Sant'Antonino di Susa (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Campolongo Maggiore (Veneto, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Asolo (Veneto, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Fenestrelle (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Montorio al Vomano (Abruzzi, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Muzzana del Turgnano (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Statte (Apulia,Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Sernio (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Calice al Cornoviglio (Liguria, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Sondrio Province (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Amalfi (Campania, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Canda (Veneto, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Ponteranica (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Pordenone (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Tramonti di Sotto (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Prato (Tuscany,Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Lomello (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Pistoia Province (Tuscany,Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- San Giorgio della Richinvelda (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Chions (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Grumento Nova (Basilicata, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Palermo (Sicily, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Villafranca Padovana (Veneto, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Oristano Province (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Baradili (Sardinia, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Carbonara di Nola (Campania, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Padova Province (Veneto, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Bozzolo (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Modena (Emilia-Romagna, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Commessaggio (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Vittuone (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Sezze (Latium, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Villafranca Tirrena (Sicily,Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Liguria Region (Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Missaglia (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Cremella (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Latium Region (Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Galeata (Emilia-Romagna, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Sorano (Tuscany, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Veroli (Latium, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region (Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Tiglieto (Liguria, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Magliano in Toscana (Tuscany, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Massa Marittima (Tuscany, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Parenti (Calabaria, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Acireale (Sicily, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Militello in Val di Catania (Sicily, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Barberino Val d'Elsa (Tuscany, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Catania Province (Sicily, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Forli-Cesena Province (Emilia-Romagna, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Calabria Region (Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Civitella Messer Raimondo (Abruzzi, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Campania Region (Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Vas (Veneto, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Villalfonsina (Abruzzi, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Villamagna (Abruzzi, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Muscoline (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Bucchianico (Abruzzi, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Lenna (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Gazzaniga (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Ubiale Clanezzo (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Terno d'Isola (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- San Paolo d'Argon (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Roncola (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Predore (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Borgo di Terzo (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Caravaggio (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Belluno Province (Veneto, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Madone (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Morengo (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Gremiasco (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Poppi (Tuscany, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Villa Sant'Angelo (Abruzzi, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- L'Aquila Province (Abruzzi, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Ascoli Piceno (Marche, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Torgnon (Aosta Valley, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Andretta (Campania, Italy) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- South American Union 2005-11-12 rob raeside
- Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization 2005-11-12 rob raeside
- PRODOS Institute For Global Freedom Invention & Prosperity, obsolete 2005-11-12 rob raeside
- International Joint Commission 2005-11-12 rob raeside
- International Children's Day Flag 2005-11-12 rob raeside
- Worlds Fairs: Seville 92 (Obsolete page) 2005-11-12 rob raeside
- International Fisheries Pennants 2005-11-12 rob raeside
- Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons 2005-11-12 rob raeside
- Latin-American Parliament 2005-11-12 rob raeside
- Worlds Fairs 2005-11-12 rob raeside
- Eurasian Economic Community (Eurasec) 2005-11-12 rob raeside
- Croatia - Houseflags of Austro-Hungraian Companies with the Home Port in the Current Croatian Ports 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Kastav (The Coast-Gorski Kotar County, Croatia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Mali Losinj (The Coast-Gorski Kotar, Croatia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Delnice (The Coast-Gorski Kotar, Croatia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Pozega-Slavonia County (Croatia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- British Royal Standards since 1042 2005-11-12 rob raeside
- Finnish "husband" pennants 2005-11-12 phil nelson
- Finland: Historical Flags (1919) 2005-11-12 phil nelson
- Vaike-Maarja (Laane-Virumaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Tyri (Turi) vald (Jarvamaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Vastemoisa (Viljandimaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Tyri (Turi) linn (Jarvamaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Viljandimaa County (Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Saarde (Parnumaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Parnumaa County (Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Tamsalu vald (Laane-Virumaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Oisu (Jarvamaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Marjamaa alev (Raplamaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Saksi (Laane-Virumaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Raplamaa County (Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Tali (Parnumaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Rapina (Polvamaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Rapla (Raplamaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Polvamaa County (Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Tamsalu linn (Laane-Virumaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Marjamaa vald (Raplamaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Loodna (Raplamaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Kuusalu (Harjumaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Kilingi-Nomme (Parnumaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Laane-Virumaa County (Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Lehtse (Jarvamaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Kehra (Harjumaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Kohila (Raplamaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Avanduse (Laane-Virumaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Kabala (Jarvamaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Johvi (Ida Virumaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Harjumaa County (Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Jarvamaa County (Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Tapa vald (Laane-Virumaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Loksa vald (Harjumaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Ida-Virumaa County (Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Estonia - Government Organizations Flags 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Anija (Harjumaa, Estonia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- East African Railways and Harbours 2005-11-12 bruce berry
- Kenya-Uganda Railways and Harbours 2005-11-12 bruce berry
- Royal East African Navy 2005-11-12 bruce berry
- British East Africa Company 2005-11-12 bruce berry
- (East African Community: Obsolete page!) 2005-11-12 bruce berry
- East African Economic Community 2005-11-12 bruce berry
- Cities and Municipalities (Germany) 2005-11-12 santiago dotor
- Grand Ducal Standards until c.1903 (Hesse, Germany) 2005-11-12 santiago dotor
- City of Halberstadt (Halberstadt County, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany) 2005-11-12 santiago dotor
- City of Speyer (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany) 2005-11-12 santiago dotor
- City of Seelow (Märkisch-Oderland County, Brandenburg, Germany) 2005-11-12 santiago dotor
- House Flags of East German Shipping Companies 1949-1989 2005-11-12 santiago dotor
- Borussia Dortmund (Football Club, Germany) 2005-11-12 santiago dotor
- German Football Union (Germany) 2005-11-12 santiago dotor
- Hamburg SV (Football Club, Germany) 2005-11-12 santiago dotor
- Eintracht Frankfurt (Football Club, Germany) 2005-11-12 santiago dotor
- Football Clubs (Germany) 2005-11-12 santiago dotor
- VEB Deutsche Seereederei 1952-1974 (East Germany) 2005-11-12 santiago dotor
- VEB Deutfracht 1960s-1974 (East Germany) 2005-11-12 santiago dotor
- Pacora (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Villa del Rosario (Norte de Santander, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Costa Rica 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Calarca (Quindio, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- San Jose (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Samana (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Supia (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Riosucio (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Viterbo (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Villamaria (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Risaralda (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Durania (Norte de Santander, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Bucarasica (Norte de Santander, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Norte de Santander Department - Municipalities - index (Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Victoria (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Norte de Santander Department (Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Salamina (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- La Dorada (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Manzanares (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Neira (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Palestina (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Pensilvania (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Manizales (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- La Merced (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Filadelfia (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Aguadas (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Chinchina (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Anserma (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Aranzazu (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Belalcazar (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Marulanda (Caldas, Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Caldas Department (Colombia) 2005-11-12 dov gutterman
- Floreffe (Municipality, Province of Namur, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Viroinval (Municipality, Province of Namur, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Hastière (Municipality, Province of Namur, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Ohey (Municipality, Province of Namur, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Jemeppe-sur-Sambre (Municipality, Province of Namur, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Bièvre (Municipality, Province of Namur, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Anhée (Municipality, Province of Namur, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Musson (Municipality, Province of Luxembourg, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Rendeux (Municipality, Province of Luxembourg, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Tintigny (Municipality, Province of Luxembourg, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Ciney (Municipality, Province of Namur, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Rouvroy (Municipality, Province of Luxembourg, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Nassogne (Municipality, Province of Luxembourg, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Andenne (Municipality, Province of Namur, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Waimes (Municipality, Province of Liège, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Theux (Municipality, Province of Liège, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Aubange (Municipality, Province of Luxembourg, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Stoumont (Municipality, Province of Liège, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Nandrin (Municipality, Province of Liè, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Attert (Municipality, Province of Luxembourg, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Thimister-Clermont (Municipality, Province of Liège, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Crisnée (Municipality, Province of Liège, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Baelen (Municipality, Province of Liège, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Chaudfontaine (Municipality, Province of Liège, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Flémalle (Municipality, Province of Liège, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Awans (Municipality, Province of Liège, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Quévy (Municipality, Province of Hainaut, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Aiseau-Presles (Municipality, Province of Hainaut, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Chimay (Municipality, Province of Hainaut, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Estinnes (Municipality, Province of Hainaut, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Ath (Municipality, Province of Hainaut, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Brugelette (Municipality, Province of Hainaut, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Beloeil (Municipality, Province of Hainaut, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Ellezelles (Municipality, Province of Hainaut, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Celles (Municipality, Province of Hainaut, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Lasne (Municipality, Province of Walloon Brabant, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Grez-Doiceau (Municipality, Province of Walloon Brabant, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Alveringem (Municipality, Province of West Flanders, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Knokke-Heist (Municipality, Province of West Flanders, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Province of West Flanders (Belgium): Municipal flags 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Ghent (Municipality, Province of East Flanders, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Ichtegem (Municipality, Province of West Flanders, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Province of Limburg (Belgium): Municipal flags 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Antoing (Municipality, Province of Hainaut, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Anderlues (Municipality, Province of Hainaut, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Melle (Municipality, Province of East Flanders, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Gistel (Municipality, Province of West Flanders, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Lint (Municipality, Province of Antwerp, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Koekelberg (Municipality, Region of Brussels-Capital, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Stabroek (Municipality, Province of Antwerp, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Forest / Vorst (Municipality, Region of Brussels-Capital, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Bever (Municipality, Province of Flemish Brabant, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Berchem-Sainte-Agathe / Sint-Agatha-Berchem (Municipality, Region of Brussels-Capital, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Auderghem / Oudergem (Municipality, Region of Brussels-Capital, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Herstappe (Municipality, Province of Limburg, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Linter (Municipality, Province of Flemish Brabant, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Lennik (Municipality, Province of Flemish Brabant, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Brussels (Municipality, Region of Brussels-Capital, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Province of Flemish Brabant (Belgium): Municipal flags 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Antwerp (Belgium): Yacht clubs 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Neptumar NV (Shipping agency, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Belgium 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Belgium: Yacht ensign 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Anderlecht (Municipality, Region of Brussels-Capital, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Intermas (Shipping company, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Société Anonyme de Navigation à Vapeur Escaut et Durme (Shipping company, Belgi 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Armement Deppe (Shipping company, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Belgium: Yacht clubs 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Bocimar International N.V. (Shipping company, Belgium) 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Brussels (Belgium): Yacht clubs 2005-11-12 ivan sache
- Socialist Party (Argentina) 2005-11-12 francisco gregoric
- Argentine flags at sea 2005-11-12 francisco gregoric
- House flags of Argentine shipping companies 2005-11-12 francisco gregoric
- (Authentic Socialist Party (Argentina): obsolete!) 2005-11-12 francisco gregoric
- Santa Fe province (Argentina) 2005-11-12 francisco gregoric
- Guevarist Revolutionary Movement (Argentina) 2005-11-12 francisco gregoric
- Solidarian Country Front party (Argentina) 2005-11-12 francisco gregoric
- Territorial Freedom Movement (Argentina) 2005-11-12 francisco gregoric
- Juayua (Sonsonate, El Salvador) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- El Salvador - Departments 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- San Marcos (San Salvador, El Salvador) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Metapan (Santa Ana, El Salvador) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Sweden - Fact Sheet 2005-11-04 phil nelson
- (Law of the flag and coat-of-arms of Yaroslavl Region (Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-04 antónio martins
- (Yaroslavl Region (Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-04 antónio martins
- (Vologda Region (Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-04 antónio martins
- (Subdivisions of Yaroslavl Region (Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-04 antónio martins
- (Subdivisions of Vologda Region (Russia): Obsolete page) 2005-11-04 antónio martins
- Law of the flag and coat-of-arms of Yaroslavl Region (Russia) 2005-11-04 antónio martins
- Proposals for the chuvash flag in 1992 (Russia) 2005-11-04 antónio martins
- Templários (Floresta Central e Albufeiras) Tourism Region (Portugal) 2005-11-04 antónio martins
- Niue 2005-11-04 rob raeside
- Nigeria - Fact Sheet 2005-11-04 phil nelson
- Flag proposal of 1821, No. 3 (Norway) 2005-11-04 phil nelson
- Norway - flag law and rules for flying the flag 2005-11-04 phil nelson
- Norway - flag proposals 2005-11-04 phil nelson
- New Zealand Educational Institutions 2005-11-04 jonathan dixon
- Japan - Fact Sheet 2005-11-04 phil nelson
- Historical Flags (Jordan) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Capranica (Latium, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- San Benigno Canavese (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Statte (Apulia,Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Muggia (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Kingdom of Sardinia - Part 1 (Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Ardenno (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Cafasse (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Solbiate Olona (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Borghetto Santo Spirito (Liguria, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Reggio nell'Emilia Province (Emilia-Romagna, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Vezzano sul Crostolo (Emilia-Romagna, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Cinisi (Sicily, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Montebuono (Latium, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Legnano (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Colle San Magno (Latium, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Pieve Fissiraga (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Terelle (Latium, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Castell'Azzara (Tuscany, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Savelli (Calabria, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Casalmaiocco (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Cesenatico (Emilia-Romagna, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Vallefiorita (Calabria, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Catanzaro Province (Calabria, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- San Martino sulla Marrucina (Abruzzi, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Carugo (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Biella Province (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Casirate d'Adda (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Caiazzo (Campania, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Alzano Lombardo (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Monopoli (Apulia, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Piedicavallo (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Pettinengo (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Emarese (Aosta Valley, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Ayas (Aosta Valley, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Cassine (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Carentino (Piedmont, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Valpelline (Aosta Valley, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Hone (Aosta Valley, Italy) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Andean Community of Nations 2005-11-04 rob raeside
- Southern Common Market 2005-11-04 rob raeside
- Italy - Trade Unions Flags - PART I 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Zagreb County (Croatia) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Cerna (Vukovar-Srijem, Croatia) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Vukovar-Srijem County (Croatia) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Trpinja (Vukovar-Srijem, Croatia) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Babina Greda (Vukovar-Srijem, Croatia) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Tordinci (Vukovar-Srijem, Croatia) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Gracac (Zadar, Croatia) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Vinodol (The Coast-Gorski Kotar, Croatia) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Fazana (Istria, Croatia) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Istria County (Croatia) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Pleternica (Pozega-Slavonia, Croatia) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Kutjevo (Pozega-Slavonia, Croatia) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Kaptol (Pozega-Slavonia, Croatia) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Bjelovar-Bilogora County (Croatia) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Ivanska (Bjelovar-Bilogora, Croatia) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Veliko Trojstvo (Bjelovar-Bilogora, Croatia) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Veliko Trgovisce (Krapina-Zagorje, Croatia) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Sirac (Bjelovar-Bilogora, Croatia) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Rijeka - Fiume Historical Flags (Croatia) 2005-11-04 dov gutterman
- Kingdom of Hejaz 1915-1925 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Free People's State of Württemberg 1919-1935 (Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Historical Flags (Wismar, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- City of Wismar (Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- City of Hagen (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Royal Standards 1816-1918 (Württemberg, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Kingdom of Württemberg 1805-1817 (Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- City of Papenburg (Emsland County, Lower Saxony, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Württemberg-Hohenzollern 1947-1952 (Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Württemberg-Baden 1947-1952 (Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Grand Ducal Standards c.1903-1918 (Hesse, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Grand Duchy of Hesse 1806-1918 (Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Real Club Náutico de Madrid (Yacht Club, Spain) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- City of Magdeburg (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Finland - Fact Sheet 2005-11-04 phil nelson
- Rems-Murr-Kreis County (Stuttgart District, Baden-Württemberg, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- County and Municipal Flags (Baden-Württemberg, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Humanist Party (Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Ludwigsburg County (Stuttgart District, Baden-Württemberg, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Karlsruhe County (Karlsruhe District, Baden-Württemberg, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Freudenstadt County (Karlsruhe District, Baden-Württemberg, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Subnational Flags of the German Empire 1870-1919 (Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Historical Flags 1953-1961 (Social Democratic Party, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Zollernalbkreis County (Tübingen District, Baden-Württemberg, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- German Confederation 1815-1866 (Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Historical Flags (Baden-Württemberg, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Danzig 1920-1939 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Silesian Youth Münster City (German Youth of the East, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Upper Silesian Youth Münster, Group St. Barbara (German Youth of the East, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Free Voters Bavaria (Bavaria, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Leo Trotsky Group (Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- East and West Prussian DJO Group of Münster (German Youth of the East, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Münster Regional Group of the DJO (German Youth of the East, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Coesfeld local branch pennant (German Youth of the East, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Billerbeck local branch pennant (German Youth of the East, Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- German Youth of the East (Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Akademischer Segler-Verein in Kiel e.V. (Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Akademischer Segler-Verein Hamburg e.V. (Germany) 2005-11-04 santiago dotor
- Cote d'Ivoire - Fact Sheet 2005-11-04 phil nelson
- China - Fact Sheet 2005-11-04 phil nelson
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