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Pages modified on 2005-08
Last modified: 2006-09-30
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- KwaZulu (South African homeland) 2005-08-26 bruce berry
- South Africa -Proposals for New Flags 2005-08-26 bruce berry
- North-West Province, South Africa 2005-08-26 bruce berry
- Orange Free State (Province of South Africa 1910-1994) 2005-08-26 bruce berry
- South African President 2005-08-26 bruce berry
- United States Minor Outlying Islands 2005-08-26 phil nelson
- Indochina 2005-08-26 phil nelson
- Flag Towers (Vietnam) 2005-08-26 phil nelson
- Cochinchina (Indochina) 2005-08-26 phil nelson
- Royal Amphibious Regiment of Vaxholm (Sweden) 2005-08-26 phil nelson
- Vila Verde Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Vila Pouca de Aguiar Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Valongo Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Vila do Porto Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Praia da Vitória Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Valpaços Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Vila Nova de Paiva Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Vila Real Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Vila Real de Santo António Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Viana do Alentejo Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Vale de Cambra Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Vila Nova de Foz Côa Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Vila Viçosa Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Vila Nova de Gaia Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Valença Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Velas Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Vila de Rei Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Vila do Conde Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Tarouca Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Vidigueira Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Tondela Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Vila do Bispo Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Santa Maria da Feira Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Vila Franca de Xira Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Vagos Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Trancoso Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Vila Flor Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Trofa Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Sever do Vouga Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- São Pedro do Sul Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Soure Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- São Vicente Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Serpa Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Santiago do Cacém Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Sousel Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Tábua Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Tabuaço Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Săo Roque do Pico Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Agualva-Cacém Commune (Sintra Municipality, Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Santa Cruz das Flores Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Reguengos de Monsaraz Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Ribeira de Pena Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Santa Comba Dão Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- São João da Madeira Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Ribeira Grande Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Estremadura e Ribatejo adminstrative region (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Santa Cruz da Graciosa Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Redondo Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Sátão Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- São Brás de Alportel Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Santa Marta de Penaguião Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- São João da Pesqueira Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Ribeira Brava Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Sabrosa Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Sabugal Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Santa Cruz Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Penafiel Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Ponte da Barca Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Povoaçăo Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Porto Santo Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Paredes Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Pampilhosa da Serra Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Proença-a-Nova Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Penela Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Pinhel Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Penedono Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Porto Moniz Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Portalegre Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Paredes de Coura Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Ovar Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Pedrógão Grande Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Ourique Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Oleiros Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Oliveira de Azeméis Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Communes of Olhăo Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Oliveira do Hospital Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Oliveira de Frades Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Odivelas Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Oliveira do Bairro Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Nordeste Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Nazaré Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Penalva do Castelo Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Matosinhos Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Nelas Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Minho traditional province (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Murça Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Mértola Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Mira Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Mesão Frio Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Montalegre Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Marvão Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Mangualde Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Murtosa Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Marinha Grande Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Melgaço Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Mortágua Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Mealhada Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Maia Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Moimenta da Beira Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Mondim de Basto Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Subdivisions of Madeira (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Lousã Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Mação Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Meda Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Miranda do Corvo Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Macedo de Cavaleiros Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Lisboa e Setúbal adminstrative region (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Madeira (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Madalena (Pico) Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Marco de Canavezes Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Leiria Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Góis Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Lamego Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Communes of Loulé Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Lages do Pico Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Guarda Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Lages das Flores Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Gouveia Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Horta Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Ílhavo Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Lourinhã Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Fundão Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Figueira da Foz Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Freixo de Espada-à-Cinta Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Gavião Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Esposende Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Fafe Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Douro Litoral traditional province (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Estarreja Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Faro Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Espinho Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Castelo de Vide Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Castro Marim Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Estremadura traditional province (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Castro Verde Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Entre Douro e Minho adminstrative region (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Crato Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Carrazeda de Ansiães Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Chaves Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Condeixa-a-Nova Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Cadaval Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Calheta (Madeira) Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Cinfães Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Castanheira de Pera Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Calheta (Săo Jorge) Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Carregal do Sal Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Caldas da Rainha Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Caminha Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Baixo Alentejo traditional province (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Benavente Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Boticas Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Batalha Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Cabeceiras de Basto Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Celorico de Basto Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Beira Litoral traditional province (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Beira Interior adminstrative region (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Beira Baixa traditional province (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Alpiarça Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Alentejo adminstrative region (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Beira Alta traditional province (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Alijó Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Alfândega da Fé Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Algarve (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Alenquer Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Arganil Municipality (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Oeste Tourism Region (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Azores flag laws (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Ribatejo Tourism Region (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Nordeste Transmontano Tourism Region (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Planície Dourada Tourism Region (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Alto Alentejo traditional province (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Rota da Luz Tourism Region (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Subdivisions of Azores (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Portugal - 1578 historical flag 2005-08-26 jorge candeias
- Portugal - 1143 historical flag 2005-08-26 jorge candeias
- Viseu District (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Guarda District (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Porto District (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Viana do Castelo District (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Faro District (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Santarém District (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Vila Real District (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Leiria District (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Algarve Tourism Region (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Lisboa District (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Portalegre District (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Leiria Fátima Tourism Region (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Costa Azul Tourism Region (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Setúbal District (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Coimbra District (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Beja District (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Portuguese yachting flags 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Castelo Branco District (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Bragança District (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Braga District (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Portugal - obsolete rank flags of the portuguese navy 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Évora District (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- UGT trade union (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Democratic People’s Union (Portugal) 2005-08-26 jorge candeias
- Portuguese Communist Party 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Portuguese trade union’s flags 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Trás-os-Montes autonomist movement (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Socialist Revolutionary Party (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Portuguese republican flags (1910ies) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Neonazi flags in Portugal 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Madeira Archipelago Liberation Front (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- People’s Forces 25 (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Madeira Liberation Democratic Movement (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Earth Party Movement (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Azores Liberation Front (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Left Block (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- CGTP-IN trade union (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Vertical variants of the portuguese national flag 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Portuguese political flags 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Portuguese governmental autonomous institutions 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Saint James Order (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Commune flags (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- (Atypical portuguese subnational flags -- under construction) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Portugal - district flags 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Associaçăo Académica de Coimbra (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Portuguese Colonial Companies 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Portuguese national guard 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Portuguese Army combat units 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Portuguese Army support units 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Portuguese Army 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Military flags of Portugal 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Rio Ave Futebol Clube (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Sport Algés e Dafundo (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Sporting Clube de Portugal (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- No Name Boys: Benfica sport club supporters’ group (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Euro2004 soccer championship flags 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Futebol Clube do Porto (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Boavista Futebol Clube (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Clube de Futebol “Os Belenenses” (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Clube Sport Marítimo (Portugal) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Doubtful portuguese historical “reconstructed” flags 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- J.A.E.S.’ proposal for the new portuguese national flag (1910-1911) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Alexandre Fontes’ proposals for the new portuguese national flag (1910-1911) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Carvalho Neves’ proposal for the new portuguese national flag (1910-1911) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- A.P.S.’ proposal for the new portuguese national flag (1910-1911) 2005-08-26 antónio martins
- Norwegian Flag during World War II 2005-08-26 phil nelson
- The Netherlands - Municipal Links (F-K) 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Den Helder (The Netherlands) 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Hospital-Church Ship De Hoop (The Netherlands) 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Sri Lanka Air Force 2005-08-26 rob raeside
- Special Protection Group, India 2005-08-26 rob raeside
- Hong Kong Fire Services Department 2005-08-26 phil nelson
- Kladruby (Czech Republic) 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Tachov okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Lesná (Czech Republic) 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Trutnov okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Ujezd u Svateho Krize, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Lom u Tachova (Czech Republic) 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Rozvadov (Czech Republic) 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Uherské Hradiste okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Rokycany okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Kvasiny (Czech Republic) 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Prostejov okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Javornice (Czech Republic) 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Kostelec nad Orlicí (Czech Republic) 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Rychnov nad Kneznou okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Karez, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Plzen-sever okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Kvetnice (Czech Republic) 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Czech municipalities (H-I) 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Czech municipalities (T-U) 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Kojetice (Czech Republic) 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Praha-východ okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Czech municipalities (J) 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Horní Rasnice, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Janovice (Czech Republic) 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Chotyne, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Czech municipalities (C) 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Liberec okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Jenikovice, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Frýdek-Místek okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Jablunkov (Czech Republic) 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Liberec region, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Chrudim city, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Chroustovice, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Pardubice region, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Chrudim okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Plzen region, Czech Republic 2005-08-26 jarig bakker
- Maritime Houseflags C (Australia) 2005-08-26 jonathan dixon
- (Clickable map of South Africa (former divisions) — Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (House flags of shipping companies, obsolete) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Artigas historical flags — Uruguay, 1813-1815: Obsolete page) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- Suffolk County (Massachusetts, United States) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- Worcester County (Massachusetts, United States) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- Bristol County (Massachusetts, United States) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- Essex County (Massachusetts, United States) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- Franklin County (Massachusetts, United States) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- Dukes County (Massachusetts, United States) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- Books on US flags 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- Barnstable County (Massachusetts, United States) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- Plymouth County (Massachusetts, United States) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- Hampden County (Massachusetts, United States) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- Berkshire County (Massachusetts, United States) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- Hampshire County (Massachusetts, United States) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- Middlesex County (Massachusetts, United States) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- Norfolk County (Massachusetts, United States) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Union of African States — Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Christian-Democrat Party (East Timor) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Maubere Democratic Party (East Timor) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Liberal Party (East Timor) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Timorese Nacionalist Party (East Timor) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Timor People’s Party (East Timor) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Democrat Party (East Timor) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Parentil - East Timor National Republic Party (East Timor) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Dili municipality (East Timor) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Social-Democrat Party (East Timor) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Socialist Party of Timor (P.S.T.) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Christian-Democrat Party of Timor (East Timor) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Timorese Labour Party (East Timor) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Ocussi Ambeno (East Timor) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Timorese Democratic Union (U.D.T.) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (East Timor: flag proposal of 1967 -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Timorese Social-Democrat Association (East Timor) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Ad hoc flags for East Timor -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Apodeti, Timor People’s Democratic Association (East Timor) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Battle Bureau for the Liberation of Timor (1961) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Political flags of East Timor -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (UN mandate in East Timor (1999-2001) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (INTERFRET (East Timor, 1999-2001) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Indonesian occupation flags in East Timor -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (C.N.R.T. (National Council of East Timorese Resistance) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (East Timor flag history -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Self proclaimed Dem. Rep. of East Timor (1975) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Administrative divisions of East Timor -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (FALINTIL (Armed Forces of National Liberation of East Timor) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (East Timor -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (Variations of the (1975) east timorese flag -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (FRETILIN (Revolutionary Front of Independent East Timor) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- (KOTA - Klibur Oan Timor Asuwain (East Timor) -- Obsolete page!) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- Donkerbroek (The Netherlands) 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Hengelo (Netherlands) 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Schiermonnikoog (The Netherlands) 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Zeemanscolleges (The Netherlands) 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Japanese Peace flag 2005-08-19 phil nelson
- Japanese military flags 2005-08-19 phil nelson
- Adoption Dates of Flags (retired page) 2005-08-19 rob raeside
- Flag Days Of The World 2005-08-19 rob raeside
- Flag Days per nation 2005-08-19 rob raeside
- Retová (Czech Republic) 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Horní Cermná (Czech Republic) 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Mirosov (Czech Republic) 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Petrovice (Czech Republic) 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Rybník (Czech Republic) 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Horní Tresnovec (Czech Republic) 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Kounov, Czech Republic 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Janov, Czech Republic 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Hredle, Czech Republic 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Usti nad Orlicí okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Teplice okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Czech municipalities (P) 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Czech municipalities (A-B) 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Raby, Czech Republic 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Jeníkovice, Czech Republic 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Pardubice okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Bezdekov nad Metují, Czech Republic 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Horní Slivno, Czech Republic 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Hrdlív (Czech Republic) 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Potucky, Czech Republic 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Horní Blatná, Czech Republic 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Karlovy Vary okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Mladá Boleslav okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Horní Bezdekov (Czech Republic) 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Kladno okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Usti region, Czech Republic 2005-08-19 jarig bakker
- Township of Langley, British Columbia 2005-08-19 phil nelson
- Sainte-Anne-du-Sault, Quebec (Canada) 2005-08-19 phil nelson
- University of Victoria (Canada) 2005-08-19 phil nelson
- Valley East, Ontario 2005-08-19 phil nelson
- Centre-du-Québec Administrative Region (Quebec) 2005-08-19 phil nelson
- Canadian army unit flags (Index) 2005-08-19 phil nelson
- Flag Flying Days (Australia) 2005-08-19 jonathan dixon
- Illawarra Region (NSW, Australia) 2005-08-19 jonathan dixon
- (BaTwa (Africa): Obsolete page) 2005-08-19 antónio martins
- Rules for displaying flags 2005-08-11 phil nelson
- FIAV Awards 2005-08-11 phil nelson
- Atiquizaya (Ahuachapan, El Salvador) 2005-08-11 dov gutterman
- Zuilen (The Netherlands) 2005-08-11 jarig bakker
- Mauritania 2005-08-11 rob raeside
- Flag of 1972 of the Northern Mariana Islands 2005-08-11 rob raeside
- Valmiera (Valmiera, Latvia) 2005-08-11 dov gutterman
- Smiltene (Smiltene, Latvia) 2005-08-11 dov gutterman
- Ventspils (Latvia) 2005-08-11 dov gutterman
- Gulbene (Gulbene, Latvia) 2005-08-11 dov gutterman
- Cesis (Cesis, Latvia) 2005-08-11 dov gutterman
- Jurmala (Latvia) 2005-08-11 dov gutterman
- Jelgava (Latvia) 2005-08-11 dov gutterman
- Riga (Latvia) 2005-08-11 dov gutterman
- Desenzano del Garda (Lombardy, Italy) 2005-08-11 dov gutterman
- Ireland: the Naval Service 2005-08-11 rob raeside
- Zsombo (Csongrad, Hungary) 2005-08-11 dov gutterman
- Torokszentmiklos (Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok, Hungary) 2005-08-11 dov gutterman
- Association of the Independent Trade Unions of Croatia 2005-08-11 dov gutterman
- United Kingdom: Sledge Flags 2005-08-11 rob raeside
- South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands 2005-08-11 rob raeside
- Towns of Denmark 2005-08-11 rob raeside
- Danish Naval Flags 2005-08-11 rob raeside
- Disclaimers and Copyright 2005-08-11 rob raeside
- Oelstykke (Denmark) 2005-08-11 rob raeside
- Hosteradice, Czech Republic 2005-08-11 jarig bakker
- Hruska, Czech Republic 2005-08-11 jarig bakker
- Znojmo okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-11 jarig bakker
- Hnanice, Czech Republic 2005-08-11 jarig bakker
- Hacky, Czech Republic 2005-08-11 jarig bakker
- Zerotín, Czech Republic 2005-08-11 jarig bakker
- Hora Svaté Kateriny (Czech Republic) 2005-08-11 jarig bakker
- Horní Jiretín (Czech Republic) 2005-08-11 jarig bakker
- Most okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-11 jarig bakker
- Klatovy okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-11 jarig bakker
- Hlizov (Czech Republic) 2005-08-11 jarig bakker
- Kutná Hora okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-11 jarig bakker
- Domazlice okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-11 jarig bakker
- Holany (Czech Republic) 2005-08-11 jarig bakker
- Ceská Lípa okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-11 jarig bakker
- Hluboké Dvory (Czech Republic) 2005-08-11 jarig bakker
- Flag Sizes (Comparative) 2005-08-06 phil nelson
- Public use of flags 2005-08-06 phil nelson
- The Aesculapius rod and Caduceus 2005-08-06 phil nelson
- South Africa Medical Services Flags 2005-08-06 bruce berry
- Wake Island (U.S. Minor Outlying Islands) 2005-08-06 phil nelson
- Apopa (San Salvador, El Salvador) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Guazapa (San Salvador, El Salvador) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Ciudad Delgado (San Salvador, El Salvador) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- San Vicente Department (El Salvador) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Tecoluca (San Vicente, El Salvador) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Ahuachapn Department (El Salvador) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Ciudad Arce (La Libertad, El Salvador) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Panama - Political Flags 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Armenia (Sonsonate, El Salvador) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Morazan Department (El Salvador) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- San Juan Opico (La Libertad, El Salvador) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Nueva San Salvador (La Libertad, El Salvador) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Colon (La Libertad, El Salvador) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Sonsonate (Sonsonate, El Salvador) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Mahabad Republic (Iran, January-December 1946) 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- National Liberation Front of Kurdistan 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Rinsumageest (The Netherlands) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Jekabpils (Jekabpils, Latvia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Rezekne (Rezekne, Latvia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Kolka (Saldus, Latvia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Varena District (Alytus,Lithuania) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Turkomans (Iraq) 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Iraq Petroleum Company 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Anagni (Latium, Italy) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Carboneria Movement (XIX Cent.) (Italy) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Cassino (Latium, Italy) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Cospaia Republic (1440 - 1826) (Italy) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Atina (Latium, Italy) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Italy - Political Flags (Part 3) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Iraqi Democratic Union 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Ba'ath Arab Socialist Party (Iraq) 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Miscellaneous Flags of the Iraq War, 2003- 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Free Iraqi Forces 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Shi'ite Religious Flags (Iraq) 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Iraqi Air Force 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Kingdom of Iraq (1924-1958) 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Iraq: Index of All Pages 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Evolution of the Present Iraqi Flag, 1963-2004 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Chaldeans (Iraq) 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Abu Musab al-Zarqawi Organization (Iraq) 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Iraq: 1963-1991 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Republic of Iraq: 1959-1963 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Badr Corps (Iraq) 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Ansar ul-Islam (Iraq) 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Iraq 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Iraqi National Congress 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Iraq: Coat of Arms 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Iraq: Contest for New National Emblems 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Iraq (1920-1924) 2005-08-06 joe mcmillan
- Mediterranean Games 2005-08-06 juan manuel gabino villascán
- Mateszalka (Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Tab (Somogy, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Nyirbator (Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Letenye (Zala, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Kisvarda (Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Mihalyhaza (Veszprem, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Marcalto (Veszprem County, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Lovaszpatona (Veszprem, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Nagydem (Veszprem, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Lengyeltoti (Somogy, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Revfulop (Veszprem, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Ganna (Veszprem, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Marcali (Somogy, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Szolnok (Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Zamardi (Somogy, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Mezotur (Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Piliscsaba (Pest, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Gyor (Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Szodliget (Pest, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Kerekteleki (Komarom-Esztergom, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Vacegres (Pest, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Salgotarjan (Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Tata (Komarom-Esztergom , Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Ormenyes (Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Venek (Gyor-Moson-Sopron, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Nyiregyhaza (Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Kisujszallas (Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Vamosmikola (Pest, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Harkany (Baranya, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Tapszentmiklos (Gyor-Moson-Sopron, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Hajduboszormeny (Hajdu-Bihar, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Jaszbereny (Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Hajduszoboszlo (Hajdu-Bihar, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Turkeve (Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Tap (Gyor-Moson-Sopron, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Sarospatak (Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Zakanyszek (Csongrad, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Gyomaendrod (Bekes, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Szikszo (Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Satoraljaujhely (Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Ulles (Csongrad, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Dunaujvaros (Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Szatymaz (Csongrad, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Putnok (Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Gyula (Bekes, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Ruzsa (Csongrad, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Sopron (Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Elek (Bekes, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Tac (Fejer, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Uszod (Bacs-Kiskun, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Kiskunfelegyhaza (Bacs-Kiskun, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Kiskoros (Bacs-Kiskun, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Gyorszemere (Gyor-Moson-Sopron, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Ottomos (Csongrad, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Szerencs (Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Kunszentmiklos (Bacs-Kiskun, Hungary) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Kali (Zadar, Croatia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Guatemala - Political Flags 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- @European Blue Flag 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @Regio Bodensee 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @Black See Economic Cooperation 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @Green Flag - Eco Schools 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @OSCE 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- Euregio West/Nyugat Pannonia 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @European Coal and Steel Community 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @European Space Agency 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @Alps-Adriatic Working Community 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @Meuse-Rhine Euroregio 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @European Scouting Federation 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @Party of European Socialists 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @Paneuropa Union 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @European Sea Ports Organization 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @European Movement 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @Western Europen Union 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @Paneuropa Union 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @Euroregio West/Nugyat Pannonia 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @European Movement 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @Eurocorps 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @European Patchwork flag 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @European Union fishery inspection 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @European Heritage Days 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @European Free Trade Association 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @European River Commissions 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @Federation of European Carnival Cities 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @EUTELSAT 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @European Southern Observatory 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @European organizations and movements 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- Black Sea Economic Cooperation 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- European Blue Flag for beach quality 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- European Heritage Days 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @European Tennis Association 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @European organizations and movements 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @Proposals for the European flag 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- European Sea Ports Organization 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @Proposals for the European flag 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- European Free Trade Association 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- European Union Fishery Inspection 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- Federation of European Carnival Cities 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- European Southern Observatory 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- @UEFA 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- European River Commissions 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- Party of European Socialists 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- European Scouting Federation 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- Eurocorps 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- Proposals for the European flag 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- Patchwork European flag 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- European Space Agency (ESA) 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- European Organisation of Telecommunications by Satellite 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- U.E.F.A. 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- Green Flag - Eco Schools campaign 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- European Tennis Assocation 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- Proposals for the European flag 2005-08-06 ivan sache
- Lasva (Vorumaa, Estonia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Kardla (Hiiumaa, Estonia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Karla (Saaremaa, Estonia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Laimjala (Saaremaa, Estonia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Karula (Valgamaa, Estonia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Kihelkonna (Saaremaa, Estonia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Kolga-Jaani (Viljandimaa, Estonia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Laeva (Tartumaa, Estonia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Dolný Vilémovice (Czech Republic) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Cerny Dul, Czech Republic 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Dobrochov, Czech Republic 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Ejpovice, Czech Republic 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Davle (Czech Republic) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Cervený Újezd (Czech Republic) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Cicovice (Czech Republic) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Praha-západ okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Skripov, Czech Republic 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Ondratice, Czech Republic 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Hluchov, Czech Republic 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Dlouhomilov (Czech Republic) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Kaina (Hiiumaa, Estonia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Kambja (Tartumaa, Estonia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Kanepi (Polvamaa, Estonia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Jarvakandi (Raplamaa, Estonia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Pichincha Province (Ecuador) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Kaarma (Saaremaa, Estonia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Drevohostice (Czech Republic) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Dlouhá Loucka, Czech Republic 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Príbram okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Domazelice (Czech Republic) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Daskabát, Czech Republic 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Bezuchov (Czech Republic) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Drhovy (Czech Republic) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Benov (Czech Republic) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Dobris (Czech Republic) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Czech municipalities (O) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Vezky (Czech Republic) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Dolní Újezd (Czech Republic) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Turovice (Czech Republic) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Czech municipalities (S) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Jablonec nad Nisou okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Havlíckuv Brod okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Czech municipalities 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Koberovy, Czech Republic 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Habry (Czech Republic) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Kozli (Czech Republic) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Czech municipalities (D-F) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Dolni Dvoriste (Czech Republic) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Frydstejn, Czech Republic 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Ceský Krumlov okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Ceský Krumlov city (Czech Republic) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Dobratice (Czech Republic) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Boretice (Czech Republic) 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Ceské Budejovice okres, Czech Republic 2005-08-06 jarig bakker
- Colombia - Minorities Flags 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Popayan (Cauca, Colombia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Quindio Department (Colombia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Honda (Tolima, Colombia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Choco Department (Colombia) 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Netherlands Antilles - Houseflags of Shipping Companies 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Legislation 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
- Bosnia and Herzegovina - Flag of 1992 2005-08-06 dov gutterman
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